Need some help sexing


Active Member
Yeah cut them nodes off and grow it out. jorge cervantes, shares that tip in his grow video. and having it in a different room would be the best too. i had a hermi, knocked up the only female i had. that was my very first grow, i was pissed. but oh well, mistakes sure do teach ya a lesson in growin. thanks for the post


Well-Known Member
Ya I'm using two large cardboard boxes layered with tin foil and each has an air filter on the intake, the boxes are side by side but I think if I always check it and cut off the balls and always deal with that plants 2nd... but I'm scared of my two fems getting accidentally pollinated, I mean I use the same water jug so it's risky. I think I'm gonna risk it and grow it out tho.


Well-Known Member
You can smoke hermies, and the yield really depends on when it went hermie...if it was early on in flower yoir yield drops more, later on may only grow a few male flowers and so only pollinate a few buds.

I have had hermies and yield over 1oz per plant an all four of them, but they hermied late into flower and only had about 15 seeds in over 4oz