Need some help. Week 6-7 flower. Leaves drying/spots.


Active Member
Im in week 6 to 7 of flower. Tricombs are still all clear white (30x loupe). I flushed them a few days ago and gave them 1 tsp of Tiger Bloom, 2 tsp. of mollases, and 1 tsp of big bud. Last week I gave them some Epsom Salts but it didn't help much. I am starting to notice a big deficiancy in one of the plants. I cut one early (curing now) because it got real bad but the other 3 are starting to show the same. It looks like a magnesium and/or calcium deficiany but not sure. I can buy some cal/mag but I'm not sure if it's too late to add it or not. Any help would be appreciated.

The deficiancy is spreading to the sugar leaves by the buds and I'm afraid that it will get into the buds or keep a lot of the leaves from producing tricombs.

I always PH my water to 6.5.

Any ideas on what I can do? I was planning on doing one more flush with 3 gallons of 6.5 ph distilled water and adding just some Toger Bloom and Cal-mag.

Other then this problem starting in week 6, everything has gone good in flower. Maybe their using more calcium then my water and Tiger Bloom has. I am new to this so I'm not totally sure. I have read for hours and hours and know that some Nitrogen deficiancy late in flower is okay but this seems like it's more then that.

The stems from all the leaves that have spots/dying are purple (see pic below). Maybe I could be feeding too much but I never go over the recommened dose.

I am using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil with added perlite.

Link for my other thread with more info.



Active Member
600 watt hps, not sure the brand of bulb. 4x4 tent with 6" vortex for outake and using passive intake since the other fan broke. Temps running about 82 max with ac in tent. Humidity around 55 max and light is about 12" away. Tiger Bloom for main flowering nute and have used big bud, bud candy, epsom salts, and molasses one time on last flush I did. PH adjusted to 6.5 with digital ph meter.

This is affecting the middle part of one plant. It isnt affecting the lower part that much.

They on day 49 so they should be pretty close but tricombs are all still clear.

The bushy one is a little behind the other two but even that one is staring to show the same problem.

Maybe I should just do one final flush with distilled water?


Well-Known Member
it's light bleaching mate.... therefore affecting only the upper part of the plants

what's your set up?

no offense, but no.

stop flushing and START FEEDING.

iron, molybdenum, and a serious amount of phosphorus and potassium. actually, just go ahead and feed it everything you can. id imagine if your low on iron and Mo, then your low on a lot of other shit as well

have you read ?

trying a variety of nutes will make sure you get most of the trace elements in there, theres around 16 ya need, and most stuff only has a few.


The tops of the plant receive more light, The more light = more photosynthesis = more nutes used in that area of plant. Hence why the tops and the large fan leaves seem to be the worst affected.

Is it a hydro grow? Ifso, your ph is too high and may be making it hard for the plant to take in the nutes it wants (even if they are there). Assuming its a hydro grow - Lower ph to a max of 6 and as nick says start feeding again.

Keep us posted and good luck man



Active Member
I have city water that sits out for days before I use it. I checked the run off today of all three and their a perfect 6.5. I gave all of them distilled water today and gave them some extra nutes. I think maybe I flushed one too many times and washed out a lot of nutes. The buds are still looking pretty good but probably not what they could of been.

I am definitely learning a lot on my first grow......

Maybe next time I will get some micro nutes and some cal mag because Tiger Bloom by itself really hasnt been cutting it late in flower.

Its crazy how good things were going and then boom, problems.

I am sort of hesitant to load up on nutes this late in flower but I guess you gotta know more then me.

Thanks for all the help and if you have anymore, keep it coming. Its all about learning and getting better.


Well-Known Member
Do not load up on nutes at this point they are stressed bro. I would stick with just plain H20 and maybe a folier spray to try and get some green back. supernatural staygreen should help wonders.. "NO MORE NUTES"


Active Member
Thanks man....i really am hesitant to load up. I did give some nutes to the one I topped because that one is behind the other two and doesnt look as bad. I had to cut one early because of this and dont want to cut anymore before their done. Thanks again for all the help everyone.


Active Member
I wont.....thought I could fix it myself by reading and reading some more but probably made it worse. Thanks again.

The one I cut early did produce some nice buds but I bet they could of been way fatter if it wasnt for this problem.


Active Member
Used just plain H2O and they look to not be getting any worse. The smaller one I gave nutes to isnt showing anymore signs of drying out. Thanks again. Looks like Im gonna make it to harvest.


Did you ever figure this problem out? I have same thing happening, im thinking nute lockout from Salt Build Up In Soil..