Need some help with on going nutrients problem.

I've had nutrient problems since veg. To much to soon.
Its 5 almst 6 weeks into flower and its still not completely under control. Lately its getting worst. I've tried flushing but I'm afraid of giving it more fertilizer, which is probably what it needs. I have watered once with 0ppm 3 gals to 10 gal pot and another time with 0ppm 5.5 gals to 10 gal pot, since last time fertilzed.
NowI'm having a new dificiency that may be zinc.
image.jpg image.jpg
Should I fertilize.

Still Tasty Blueberry PopTart cream smelling frosy colas


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Well-Known Member
They look fine. Some yellowing usually starts at around week two of flower in unhealthy plants and id say around week five in flower for healthy plants. Plants eat themselves eventually. They dont look that bad. Hopefully you cured whatever was built up in the root zone with the flush, id continue with feeding and just cut feeding and cal mag down at week seven like usual.


Well-Known Member
The trouble here is you, spend 30 minutes studying up the nute needs of canna plants ...then never look back on this mess!
do understand the different changes that weed goes thru to its maturity you, it grows and needs many different foods,
so enough of the (N) which is great for growth the plants are in seed set mode and need more (K) and (P)
first the long boring flush
to my blog:

no nutes for 10 days even then 50% lress than what you want to feed them,
your harvest date will be late you yield low but it better than nothing at all
I really feel like they need more food. Because I've tried flushing, an it was better before I did. I think it might be lack of instead to much, but I JUST watered yesterday.