Need some help

Care to elaborate on this? Sounds interesting. Gotta recipe?
No recipe, just a flashback or smth from my college days 20 years ago.

250ml jars, whole rice, one jar with water and dextrose, holes in lids and breathable tape over holes for injection ports, pressure cook the lot, innoc liquid jar with 1ml spores, incubate several days, swirl to break mycel, innoc each jar with 10ml mycel, incubate, birth, boom. Might have been a fever dream and never happened tho, can never tell with these things, was permafried at the time.
Should we be shaking up the jars of substrate after they have about 25 percent of mycelium to ensure they get completely colonized
can’t seem to find accurate information on this
I would like to try doing agar when haved learned more about it
I am doing the pf tek but I’m thinking about spawn bags with a few of my jars
I’m going to be doing a run soon on agar; follow along when I post my method in this section. Hopefully I will be starting as early as next week; got a whole lotta shit goin on rn
I can’t seem to get a straight answer from the internet but if you have one contaminated cake in the fruiting chamber can it contaminate the other cakes in the fruiting chamber
Also how do I know when my mycelium has stopped growing
I have a quart size jar I inoculated almost 2 weeks ago and it looks like the part that is not yet colonized is getting pretty dry
I was thinking about injecting some sterile water in it but not sure if it is a good idea
any information would be great
Also how do I know when my mycelium has stopped growing
I have a quart size jar I inoculated almost 2 weeks ago and it looks like the part that is not yet colonized is getting pretty dry
I was thinking about injecting some sterile water in it but not sure if it is a good idea
any information would be great

It might work, no harm trying. Watch for contams.