Need Some Help

Hard to tell man.... looks a little yellowish... first couple weeks it shouldn't need any nutes and little water... Most people get excited and water it way to much... About nutes, considering it's your first grow I would just get Fox Farm trio pack. Then I would use about half of the recommended amount. It's easy and effective, which is exactly what a newbie grower should be looking for. If you have a good seed strain then just let it do all the work. On your little plant, once again, be cautious of how much H2o your giving it. Remember if your running temps of around 80 and you have about 20 percent perlite, overwatering wont be an issue. On the other hand, if you are running 60-70 degrees then you should be a little more cautious. Also what size pots are you going to use. 5 gal and above can hold quite a bit of water and nutes. Under 3 is a different story. Hope all this shit helps I am pretty bakedskis right now.


Well-Known Member
It only looks yellowish on that one part. he two leaves coming out are nice and green... I water often but i use a little seringe and do very little at a time to where the top of the soil is just wet... I'm not using any nutes right now. Thanks for the advice :)