once my seed have germinated can i just put them straight into a 5 gallon pail with soil, or do i need to start off with a cup or somethin
if you got all that soil at your disposal, then yeah thatd be a good idea. i usually start in party cups and transplant them to 3-5 gals when they're ready, proabably when they're about 6" tall. make sure your soil is low on nutrients, seedlings cant take too much or else they'll be burned, i myself use black kow original and compost it, you can buy a 2x3 tray for about 10 bucks at lowes and some live bait(probably 30 worms or so) for about 5. i just pour these into the compost bin and let them do their job for about a month before using it, you can also add old fruit to make it really rich with nutrients, add eggshells for calcium too. anything sugary is good to feed microbes, you should also take the roots of a fast growing weed in your yard and add it in since it has microbes, but only the roots so you dont have anything growing out of your compost.
try getting some perlite and putting it at the bottoms of your pot so water doesnt build up, id make this about 25% of my soil too so you can get air to your roots. if you can, add extra holes to the bottoms and sides of the pot, you can poke a pencil through these holes to break off root endings(earth worms do this in nature, its good to get them air and to break root endings, when a root ending is broken, it replaces that one root with multiple, just dont harm the main taproot), you can also do this to check when to water, i do it on the top soil and watch if the holes collapse in on themselves after i take out the pencil, if they do most of the moisture has wicked out. filling these holes with perlite will also help them dry out more. try to water with about half the size of their cup, every once in a while its good to flood, or water with about 1.5 to 2 times their cup size to help the roots find their place and spread out, and if your using synthetic nutrients it helps to get out any salt buildups that will effect final taste, and can even cause burns.
i was just telling my buddy that we should give a try to some Hawaiian bag seed we got. he's sweating the strain and if it's worth a spot, I say we do right by it and it's gonna turn out just fine. Those pink hairs were nuts.
give it a chance, its like playin the lottery, except you got a higher chance of winning if it came from a good bag. and i know i wish i could get something like that soon, i may order a strain like that off of rcmcollective.ca just to breed with it, they have a few pink haired strains. oh yeah i forgot to include the pic of the redish pink calyxs on my current bagseed.