need some opinions... pics


Active Member
Well here are my babies.. they are about 5 weeks old and appear to be doing ok i just wanted a second opinion. i know my grow room, or should i say closet, isnt the best but its all i have to work with on my budget and so far it seems to being doing fairly well. Im using 2 compact flourescent bulbs in the dome fixtures and the 3rd is a repti sunglo bulb lifted above because of the heat. im watering every other day or so depending on the moisture of the soil. i fertilized every other week with peters professional high nitro. i mist them every now and then as well. ph is good.. but the leaves are curling and im just curious ab them, no burning just curling. the plant on the left is curling upwards on the edges and the one on the right is curling downwards on the edges. the co2 bottle is set to leak very slowly, slow steady leak over a week period then i put another in. any suggestions? thanks in advance, first grow so be nice..



Active Member
ditch the co2 bottle it is a waste of time for your grow. Get your self a hps light or make a strip with more cfs. You need more lumens. Try fox farm fert. Peters is ok. Something organic would be better. Let the girls dry out more between waters. They will let you know when they need a drink. The curling of leaves I have no clue. I have had the samething happen to me a few times. end product was always great. Try to use RO or distilled water only. You will need exust fan and carbon filter. When the girls bloom they smell. Good luck


Active Member
oh they already reek of skunk my entire room smells everytime i open that door. the co2 is hurting though is it? its gotta be putting more in the air at least.. what is an optimal grow temp?


Active Member
are you letting your water sit 24 hours before you use it?
and you should get a fan blowing on your babies it will make the buds more dense

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I've used tap water for years, please. Looks like heat stress. What are you running for temps under the plants? Maybe a slight overwatering also.


Well-Known Member
look like a lil overwatering and im surprised there doin that good with 1 cfl each wat are the watts


Active Member
im using tap water that sits out overnight and i treat it with repti safe.. i do have a fan thats what that gray/white thing is in front with the knob on it. temps are a steady 81F.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
your lights are probably to close and a overwatering. let the soil dry out before rewatering. And for god sakes stop fucking with the water. Just give them plain tap water. Don't be fooled be alot of these fruitcakes that you need to set you water over night to kill the clorine.:cuss: heres a pic of one of mine inside and the same strain outside. i have to bring in all my water to my outdoor grow so i use TAP water. Well cant find my indoor pics on my laptop but you can check my other threads for them.:bigjoint:



Active Member
i water about every other day every 2 days depending on how moist it is.. the temp is a constant 80F.. im adding two more cfl's soon for the lower growth and i'll rotate the plants around.. how are my lights too close? i thought the closer the better with cfl's because of no heat?