Need some Ph balancing help


Active Member
Hey guys, just bout a pro gro Ph test kit with some up and down. turns out my water is 8.0 I KNOW i need to bring it down to around 6.5 just wondering how much water i should use in order to do this correctly. it doesnt say on the bottle. i tried with a cup of water and it went down to 4.0 so obiously i need more water. how much should i use ???



Well-Known Member
are you hand watering or using a res? hand watering you need to start with 1gal water and slowly lower ph by adding 1 drop at a time until you reach desired level.depending on size of res, my 40 gal usually comes in at 7-7.1 ph it takes about 10 teaspoons to get it to about 5.8-6.0. adjust slowly so your not wasting your ph fluids.


Well-Known Member
That's what I did. Wasted my ph up and down. If wont take long untill you learn your water(drops per gallon). Mind you tap water ph can fluctuate too. My tap water is also around 8 so I use vinegar. Baking soda if I go too far acidic.


Active Member
no just hand watering for soil. FYI most municipal local water is around 8.0 SO!!! i need one gallon of water to do this properly ? thanks


Well-Known Member
If 1 gallon is the amount your going to be putting in you pots yes. I hand water too. Just take whatever amount your going to need to water and do a few drops...test. a few more...test. How much water are your plants going to need?


Active Member
No clue at the moment, iv'e just finished setting up my grow box bought my pro-mix bx soil and now i have to get seeds