Need some pro. help!~ Thanks a lot


:cry:Need some pro. help!~ Thanks a lot

Hello Guy, I’m new at this forums and also a first time glower, still have a lots of things need to learn from you guys.

As I said before this is my first time glowing, and after the 14 of this month I changed all my m39 to the big pots already, and follow the formula by shut down all the lights been more than 24 hours. Everything seems to be fine at this moment, and the recipe told me at that moment is after 1 week to 10days of the flowering, the flowers be sure will glow out or will have something change of the plants.

But already 10days now, they are just taller, bigger, but still did not realize flower signs. Hope you can answer my questions and what should I need to do to realize flower. Thank you again

Let me tell about the place: when the lights on, indoor temperature is around 25-27c, when lights off, the indoor temperature is around 22-24. Now It is 12/12 on. and I am so sure they are all female plants.

Thank you so much for your help, cause this problem is keep brothering me.

Here is some pictures.



Active Member
yeah streachy and they look a bit warm. as he stated takes time, just wait it will be worth it . do you have a fan(s) on them if not you should they need the wind to strengthen plant an roots. The ladies love the co2 . YOu can make a cheap DIY co2 maker. good lucky happy growing


yeah streachy and they look a bit warm. as he stated takes time, just wait it will be worth it . do you have a fan(s) on them if not you should they need the wind to strengthen plant an roots. The ladies love the co2 . YOu can make a cheap DIY co2 maker. good lucky happy growing
First of all,Thank you so much for ur help! but i did DIY of 3 fans for incoming co2, 2 wall fans, one 8 ich big filter and one small fan to take some hot wind out too, the highiest temperature is 26 celsius from under the 1000wtt light tonight. and only two lights are working durning the 12/12 now.
i just took my new decision tonight, i will shut down the light for 24 hours again, what do think about this decision? is this can work, or would help too much, or will brothing theirs' glowing clcyes?

plz help again and thank you for ur time again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Those plants are unbelievably stretched. What usually causes this is having your plants too far away from the light.

What kind of light are you using and how far away from the light have the tops of the plants been up until now?


Well-Known Member
i just took my new decision tonight, i will shut down the light for 24 hours again, what do think about this decision?
Erratic light cycles cause hermies (basically, you'l get seeds in your buds).

You want a consistent light cycle. 16 on 6 off for vege. 12 on 12 off for flowering. Don't guess it either - use a timer. They are cheap.


Those plants are unbelievably stretched. What usually causes this is having your plants too far away from the light.

What kind of light are you using and how far away from the light have the tops of the plants been up until now?
thank you for ur help, i am using the 1000wtt hps light now, between the light and the top of the plants is around 30cm high.


Erratic light cycles cause hermies (basically, you'l get seeds in your buds).

You want a consistent light cycle. 16 on 6 off for vege. 12 on 12 off for flowering. Don't guess it either - use a timer. They are cheap.
Thank you for ur help, i am using two timer already for controling 4 of 1000wtt lights now, before the flowering, i was putting them 24hours on, no off for seconds. and shut down all the lights for more them 24 hours(at less a day) after. i changed both timer to 12 hours on and 12 hours off now. but still no any of realize flower signs only.
so that is the reason i wanna shut down all the lights again tonight and see it tomorrow any of change.
is this idea gonna work or not????

thank you again to everyone who came to this post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!