Need some quick guidance!


Well-Known Member
Hello, I have an unusual situation. I am growing outdoors and my state/county has chosen to do aerial sprays of insecticides to combat the mosquito-borne illness EEE. Quote from the article

"Aerial spraying is being done with the Merus 3.0 organic pesticide, which contains 5% pyrethrin and can be harmful to bees. While state officials have said that they spray at night due to the fact that most bees are in their hives, beekeepers have stated that not only are wild honeybees killed off, but that entire hives can be destroyed by the chemicals. "

Do I harvest immediately? In my opinion even covering the plants doesnt sound like enough to ensure to sprays dont hit my plants. Thank you
Hello, I really would not be that concerned. Pyrethrin is extracted from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium (flower). Many insecticides contain it. Though spider mites appear to have a ridiculous tolerance for it. A quick google search of Merus 3.0 tells me that it is approved for use around organic production sites.

Hello, I really would not be that concerned. Pyrethrin is extracted from Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium (flower). Many insecticides contain it. Though spider mites appear to have a ridiculous tolerance for it. A quick google search of Merus 3.0 tells me that it is approved for use around organic production sites.

to pity that there ain´t no toxicologist around here... but if you´re all worried about such deseases why won´t you just jack yourself up with vaccines? like we do in europe with TBE? why are americans so into carpet-bombing-methods?o_O not that imma fan of vaccines but i you have to damage then why not start with urself then with the invironment? right who needs bees anyways pfff