Need some reassurance, or backup, with a current situation with a friend.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna keep this short and sweet for everyone.

Alright, my life long friend.. currently has one single 'White Widow' plant going... and its only 27 days into flowering. He's stressed out and wanting to smoke.. but! he's asking me if he can maybe pick off a bud or two from his plant. But keep in mind that his White Widow plant.. is only 27 days into flowering.

I told him not to do it.. and I'd go and smoke him out. But, he's persistant in take a couple of buds from his plants.. and trying a quick dry method.. and then smoking them.

This is bad.. correct???? Like I told him, its not good to cut off buds on a plant.. that's still in flowering.

Could someone else, reply to this.. so that he can see that its not good to do this.??

Not only that, but hell, his buds are still kinda premature too... so its not like he's going to get stoned if he were to do it. Right?

Just need some backup here.. or some reassurance.

thanks.. :peace:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
lemme preface this by saying i've never smoked a bud so premature.

BUT. some things I have learned here:

when the trichomes on the buds are cloudy that means they are peaking with THC content, if they are amber that is CBN/CBD content. Early in flowering the trichomes are usually clear and don't have a lot of THC (so it wont get you very high)

When you cure your finished buds (the ones that are milky and amber) some sugars break down and turn into THC, making it even more potent.

White widow flowers for quite a while right? 27 days is ridiculously early to be sampling in my opinion.

If he cuts a few buds off... that will stress the plant and it COULD turn into a hermie. But there are many variables so I couldn't say how stressed the plant would be, or the chances of it going hermie.

Tell him to wait.

Here are some pics of a cola that has grown quite a bit since the early days of flowering.

I'd just let it mature though, and get smoked out, the final product will be much MUCH nicer.

However, I'm day 68 flowering and to the date I have cut two small buds with no issues. Each bud's stem was half the diameter of a pencil. I cut them to see how the plant was doing as far as the highs it was currently producing, and also I wanted to dip my feet into drying/curing before I had my whole crop to deal with.

But if your friend is that stubborn idiot type person who "wants to do it his own way" and doesn't listen to sound constructive criticism.. I say don't stress about it dude he will fuck up his plant and you can look at him and shrug. I know one of those types, I just stopped caring and now I'm about to puff on some FINE nugs because I listen to my own advice.


monty Python

Active Member
Just need some backup here..
Back up as in, you want to get a team together and go down and kick his ass ? im in !

Tell him to leave the plant alone !
Does he start to eat his dinner after its only been in the oven for a few mins ?
27 days is way to early.

Like sr verde says, if he wants to be fool and waste all the hard work let him, just make sure you pull up a chair to watch as it'l prob taste like shit.

Nice bud sr verde.

captain crunch

Well-Known Member
Just tell your friend that taking a 10-11 week strain at 4 1/2 weeks will give him nothing more than a headache.

Patients is key!


Well-Known Member
Back up as in, you want to get a team together and go down and kick his ass ? im in !

Tell him to leave the plant alone !
Does he start to eat his dinner after its only been in the oven for a few mins ?
27 days is way to early.

Like sr verde says, if he wants to be fool and waste all the hard work let him, just make sure you pull up a chair to watch as it'l prob taste like shit.

Nice bud sr verde.

LoL. Nah bro.. he's never grown before and doesn't know the first thing about it. I'm actually the one to blame here.. I'm the one that got him interested in growing. But, I've told him before he started to grow his plant.. that he can't take any buds from the damn thing.. until its time to do so! But, he's a stubborn person.. and very hard headed.

I took a j. over to him last night.. and told him to smoke that and chill. I actually have the plant in my possession right now.. and told him that he isn't getting it back until he promises me that he won't take any more buds from the damn thing.. until I tell him its ready. I'm actually thinking of just keeping the plant.. and growing it for him.. but if I do that.. he'll never learn on his own. So, I'm going to give it back to him today after he gets off work. If he's ever going to have successful grow, he's gonna have to learn that you shouldn't take buds from the plant before harvest.. well.. not when its only 27 or 28 days into flowering that's for sure!

I mean shit, that'd be just like me.. if I were to go and start picking buds off my two 'Ice' plants that I currently have going. They're only on day 22 of flowering.. and no where near ready to harvest. They still have a good 6-8 weeks left. If not 9. Ya dig? and even then, I gotta wait until they dry and cure. But at least by that time, I can have a sample bud or two.. and know that I'm going to get high off of it you know? and not risk harming my plants.

He's was acting ignorant.. that's all. It happens often... lol.

peace ppl.