Need Some Serious Advice About Strip Clubs

Thanks, MIN.

I'm really tired, so I'll tell the rest of the story how I even got started going in (has to do with my Aunt). Shit ain't right.

I swear to god Clayton you are a vampire! We work opposite shifts it appears. Welcome back! I missed you. Giggles just showed back up yesterday, this wouldn't be a coordinated strike, would it?
oh ..........personal lesson learned on my end of the game

u need to remove your name from all the big assets (think about what u did Fake rape roll play ) here is how it will go the roughts part where u did not break the act that is the part that is now only save the rest of it is all gone in this context u have just raped this person they have proof and can go to the cops once u are convicted a civil suit can go up and u /your family has nothing do to the rape act damages from the suit and lawyers for 5 years of battle

u may have nothing in your name your car your house the bulk of the family funds .................anything with your name is attachable assests in a law suit u are only allows a simple free checking account with less then 3000 in it at any given time ( your pay check goes in u take it out as cash give to wife to put in families accounts )

yah dude u are fucked they have u ..............move to anouther fucking state look for one that the state u are in are not on friendly/cost effect terms to transport u back for a court case

they will come at u for more fun and all they can get out of u u play roughter they get it and use that .....once the money stops freely that is when the blackmail starts and it does not end untill u kill yourself ...............this is the con

there is only a few ways to stop it and several of them requires methods not in the skill set u know and understand ...............the only method u have open other then relocate is contacting a lawyer and having it sumed up in a agreement of keeping mouth shut (this way one payment ) if they know the game they know it will not hold up with the law .......if they do not know they will think if they tell they will get the same amount of jail time plus it kills any case in civil court
hahaha strip clubs are a sure way to lose your soul , fuck it just watch some porn, its way cheaper and less degrading all round , though still degrading .

dont go back
oh clayton lol, you been hanging out with beardo?

the velvet glove sounds awesome. Next time make a video with your phone and post it in s&s for fap value.

sounds like they really love you. In fact I'm quite sure of it. Take some yayo in next time and see just how far your pimp status can go.

yes, you can be a porn star too.
oh clayton lol, you been hanging out with beardo?

the velvet glove sounds awesome. Next time make a video with your phone and post it in s&s for fap value.

sounds like they really love you. In fact I'm quite sure of it. Take some yayo in next time and see just how far your pimp status can go.

yes, you can be a porn star too.

Ahhh the power of yayo, turns an average guy into the man! Strip club + yayo equals pimp status of the highest level.
My first taste of heroin (going on 3 months clean) came from a 20 something stripper that "loved" me.
I still throw her a couple benjamins from time to time and I won't spend more than a couple minutes around her... long enough to see that she is not dead or locked up (needing $).
It's like taking on a child. Don't do it. Run..
To be fair, she's a sweet girl. She has tricks running out of her ears... I'm not fucked up enough these days to actually believe she "loves" me. Or even gives a shit about me for that matter. I just feel sorry for her. Like I said, it's kinda like having a fucked up kid.. no matter what, you feel obligated to take care of them. $$...
I've always been a caregiver though... when friends need help they come to me because they know I'm soft like that.

Nah, just kidding...
My first taste of heroin (going on 3 months clean) came from a 20 something stripper that "loved" me.
I still throw her a couple benjamins from time to time and I won't spend more than a couple minutes around her... long enough to see that she is not dead or locked up (needing $).
It's like taking on a child. Don't do it. Run..
To be fair, she's a sweet girl. She has tricks running out of her ears... I'm not fucked up enough these days to actually believe she "loves" me. Or even gives a shit about me for that matter. I just feel sorry for her. Like I said, it's kinda like having a fucked up kid.. no matter what, you feel obligated to take care of them. $$...
I've always been a caregiver though... when friends need help they come to me because they know I'm soft like that.

Nah, just kidding...

Back in the day I would have no problem going into strip joint helping the ladies out. Now though I'm off the dope and have seen the light. I just can't help those girls kill themselves anymore, some of them would be absolutely beautiful if not on dope but I can pick a fean out like no ones business. it's just a turnoff now. Plus why tease myself with girls I know would be 100 % no good for my life. I know not all of them are on stuff but still my brain doesn't need to be in that atmosphere.
I can't even listen to a west coast sound anymore. Just sounds like little kid music.
I'll always have love for DJ Quik though..
Lol I'm so going to the rippers to learn a few moves... must keep my man well entertained. .a smart lady finds ways to make her man crave her... not some high school drop out whos played the " I'm paying my way through school card" until she's 34 and wore out... lol