Panda, I think you mean things have changed for your wife 180 degrees, 360 is getting back to where you started.
JB, isn't it funny how your wife comments that you knew what you were getting when you married here? Can't the same be said for her about you? Clearly, she's trying to tell you what's wrong and clearly you cannot give her what she wants. Compromises must be made, and that begins with that communication that you're having so much trouble with. Here's my suggestion--write it down. Craft a letter to your wife. Read it, make the changes that you think it needs, then read it again. If it's what is heartfelt, if it's honest and doesn't BLAME anyone for anything, simply taking responsibility where you own you, you will be making the first step towards rebuilding something. If that's what you want, that is.
I've been married and divorced three times, the second time we had kids. I am on my third marriage, and it is wonderful. But, we are more mature people, we know OURSELVES better, we understand our baggage and where it belongs. That's not to say we never disagree or even have some pretty serious arguments, but as time goes by things are getting better and better. In order to get there you have to know yourself, well, before you can know your partner. I'm going to suggest FIRST getting some therapy and counseling for yourself. Especially given your last post. If your wife doesn't understand why you would need therapy for yourself, suggest that she needs it, too, because she is also clearly despondent.
However, she also needs to stop blaming you for her unhappiness. Once the blame game gets started, feelings can quickly become too hurt for any healing or finding common ground. She's gotta quit that, it's bullshit. If she doesn't, then put it out of your head, don't take it to heart. If that's possible for you, anyway.
One thing she's gotta quit is this bullshit of telling you how many other guys would be so happy to have her. That's hurtful.
She wouldn't only be shooting herself in the foot, but she would not be able to get her nursing lisence either. She would move in with her parents or a friend before she would turn me though. She's not stupid.
There's your leverage. You two are newlyweds, there are lots of questions, but you said you're not looking for that kind of advice. If she wants to use the grow to get to you, at you, or back at you, understand that the sword has two edges and cuts both ways. Will she cut off her nose to spite her face?