Need suggestions for backyard grow


Active Member
Ok so Im thinking of growing some plants in my backyard. I have a fenced in backyard, and a small section on the side of my home that nobody can see from. Whats the risk? And does anybody know if helicopters are seriously that active?

I wanna do something small, like only 4 plants. Probably dig up a 2'x4' or 4'x4' section of dirt and replace that with FFOF mixed with light warrior....

Ive only done indoors so what do I have to worry about outdoors except bugs and animals? and Should I account for rain when watering my what if it rains the day I need to water them with nutes? do I just water them anyways on top of the rain or wait for the soil to dry some?

Also is there a huge smell factor with outdoor?

I need tips and suggestions...
Helicopters depend on where you are. In socal the PD heli base is right next to our outdoor and got flown over daily. They could give a fuck less lol.
If it rains enough to soak your soil dont water just wait. You can top dress with dry nutes or humus or whatever if rain is a constant problem to get some food in there. Smell factor depends on the strain some will carry for MILES others wont really stank at all just depends.
Helicopters depend on where you are. In socal the PD heli base is right next to our outdoor and got flown over daily. They could give a fuck less lol.
If it rains enough to soak your soil dont water just wait. You can top dress with dry nutes or humus or whatever if rain is a constant problem to get some food in there. Smell factor depends on the strain some will carry for MILES others wont really stank at all just depends.

Kool Thanks...should buy some FF Ocean Forest and dig holes for the plants and replace the soil with a couple bags of that? or should I just add nutes to the soil thats already in my backyard? I know I probably have shitty polluted city soil. Im in Chicago btw and I know they hate drugs here so helis probably wont be as lenient. Thats why I wanna keep it to like a really small section thats right behind the fence, make it seem like its just a bush. Im thinking about buying some fake plants to put around it. Also planting some veggies like tomatoes.
Also I know plants get larger and yield more instead of doing 4 plants in a 4x4 area, would 1-2 be more effective?
Really 1 plant will eat up a 4x4 area if planted early enough and taken care of.......... Dig a 4x4x2 hole, fill it with a quality soil of your choice and have at it. Id keep it to one plant. Or look up the laws in your area and what the "fuck you" limit is. It might not matter if its 1 or 10, if thats the case then just blow it up :)
If your concerned with the view from above, spend the 100$ and go to amazon and buy a greenhouse. They have all sizes, and price ranges. Then you could do pots, or dig up some dirt. But in my opinion don't be mixing Fox Farms light warrior with your mix. I only use that stuff for my clones and seed starts. It's good for that but lacks in nutes for the long run.
If your concerned with the view from above, spend the 100$ and go to amazon and buy a greenhouse. They have all sizes, and price ranges. Then you could do pots, or dig up some dirt. But in my opinion don't be mixing Fox Farms light warrior with your mix. I only use that stuff for my clones and seed starts. It's good for that but lacks in nutes for the long run.

If i don't use potting soil then what should I use with the soil in the ground if I don't have enough time for any composting or letting it sit?

And well I planned on watering bites into my plants also to take care of any nute deficiencies. I'm used to indoor soil grows so I wanted to keep it similar to what I know. I figured as long as I watered the nutes in while its not raining I should be fine. Or maybe I could even water the nutes in while it rains
If i don't use potting soil then what should I use with the soil in the ground if I don't have enough time for any composting or letting it sit?

And well I planned on watering bites into my plants also to take care of any nute deficiencies. I'm used to indoor soil grows so I wanted to keep it similar to what I know. I figured as long as I watered the nutes in while its not raining I should be fine. Or maybe I could even water the nutes in while it rains
I did mine in the ground last year and fought a lot of rain ( Florida) so this year I'll be using pots/buckets so if I need to move them I can.. My .02.. Good luck
If you have the $funds$.. Here is my opinion. Estimated cost $300 or less
Your first concern should be security/privacy since your in a state that may frown upon grows.
Get the greenhouse..$110.00 on Amazon. I have one for transitional grows from inside to outdoors and I'm a legal grower and love it. Then when your plants get bigger you have the option of taking off the cover or whatever you like. But then you also control your watering this way.

So I would do smart pots or bags. is the place I use bags will run no more than $50' smart pots will be more.

your soil.. I don't like to use a lot of nutes I use several brands and mix it myself. You can use regular soil just check and see what's in it before planting your girls in them.

Yeah maybe a small carport if I can find one because a huge greenhouse would be suspect. Im looking for something maybe 4x4 or smaller. And i dont wanna do bags or pots because it would require me to buy a lot of soil and I dont have the finances at the time. Im trying to work as cheap as possible.