need sum help on a harvest idea


Active Member
hey everyones
soo i need sum help im thinking of gettin sum seeds off the internet off a site and i was thinking of doin a harvest outdoors cuz i have a sum property and the thing is ive done indoors but never outdooors soo i kinda wanted sum advise before i do anything but i really wanna do a outdoors

sooo any advise please=]

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i m sorry but i dont understand. you want ideas on a harvest for outdoor plants that you havnt even started to grow. is this right?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
smoke and coke, what is that in your avatar?
i wish i knew what it was. i downloaded it from the net and have been looking for something like that to grow myself.

it does say wietkoning under the pic
he has a myspace page from the netherlands and i dont have an account there. you could try and ask him what it is.


Active Member
LOL ok i have property and i want to get sum seeds and grow outdoors but ive never done outdoors goin soo i wanted advises on sumthings

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
i wish i knew what it was. i downloaded it from the net and have been looking for something like that to grow myself.

it does say wietkoning under the pic
he has a myspace page from the netherlands and i dont have an account there. you could try and ask him what it is.
damn, I like to take a stab at that one!!!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
ive done indoors just never outdoors but ive been really wantin to do outdoors
basically it's almost the same way only to achive nice tall plants, mid may would have been an ideal starting time. right now, you can still get some bud, but not alot. If you are thinking still this year, I would germinate now and get into soil and sun asap.


Well-Known Member
what is your climate? this question determines what seeds you want. if you live in a cold climate then get an auto flowering strain or a fast indica. it you live in a warmer climate that doesnt frost before late october or november then get whatever the fuck you want. i would get a nice sativa, and end up with some big tall babies. i would hop on this though it is getting late in the season if you are in the northern hemishpere.

just start your plants indoors. after a couple weeks dig some big ass holes and fill it with the soil of your choice, or dont and just till some of the natural soil. i suggest the first option. plant your plants and water them as needed.

simple as that. good luck.


Active Member
well i live in Missouri, Usa and the climate here is fucked up it can be really fucking hot one day and then the next cold or raining soo i just didnt know what kind of seeds to look into...... what would the best to grow in the climate and if its possiable to grow still this time of the season cuz im aware of how late it not rele caring how much i can get its all personal anyway i just wanted to grow a outdoors harvest