need sum help


Active Member
smoked for the first 2 months sat nite, took 1 hit of mids out of a soda can, im 6 1 180 pds very in shape lift every other day drink 1 - 2 gallons of water a day, had a piss test thurs, took niacin day before and drank sum detox tea, thurs morn started drinkind mad water 2 more detox teas, n a detox drink that said ur guaranteed to pass from gnc, drank water all day and downed to more bottles on the way, do u think i pass? honest answers plz feedback plz very paranoid
you didn't get results after you were done? well you should be in the good cuz around here they tell you if you failed or not.
i havnt heard ne results yet, no calls or anything im kind of nervous to call them, i would like to no if u think i passed or not
You guys r harsh. u took 1 hit on sat n u took the test on thur? dont worry man, ur straight.

i passed a test in three days, just drinkin water and sweating alot. granted, i was only smoking like a gram a day for weeks before the test, so i didnt need much time.

5 days for that one hit is more than enough time, next time chill out w/ all that detox. ive heard that some tests check for shit like that, you know see if ur trying to tamper w/ results. most ppl make u pay for the test if u fail, too.
everytime I have heard of someone failing, they sent them the resluts of their fail but everytime I pass i get nothing so you are looking pretty promising from my perspective
They will call you to confirm its not a false positive, asking if you have scripts to Marisol or something of the sort. if you trruely took 1 hit, i say you pass.