Need the best harvesters of RIU to help me...


Well-Known Member
Need help estimating when I should harvest, day 32 of flowering, went 29 days of 11/13 and switched to 12/12, pistils are browning rapidly and under 10x mag trich's look lightly milky. I have no greater magnification and don't have a possibility to get a 30x scope. Is there a way I can estimate when it would be best to harvest without the scope? I am using molasses almost everyday now and the weather is alright. Soil. No pics.

Thanks much..:weed:


Well-Known Member
I don't know of many 42 day strains, so I suspect it'll be at least 18 more days and nights, probably more.


Well-Known Member
Actually, its 32 days... Keep the time schedule in mind, it got late fall (11/13) so I don't know if that affected bud ripening quicker? They sure are beginning to look ready...


Well-Known Member
pics would deffinately help. but you prolly still have at least 20 days...or more. what strain you growing?