Need to cool my tent down

Par meter like 500 bucks if lucky. Lux meter on amazon like 60 bucks do u suggest I get a lux meter will that help me out and can u suggest a brand for me that is reliable please

the Dr Meter ones are like $35 thats all I have

but you can download a lux app for free off either app store. just do that for now until you can get the real meter.
but you are just guessing until you get at least a basic lux reading. see what they are at now and dial it back to like 10-20k lux for now. 40-50k for flower, 60k max. you can get more scientific and convert to PPFD or get a real par meter but try it with an app or cheap lux meter and see what the canopy is getting now.

lumens are for humans...
Are they pretty close to your dr meter one

not exact. the free one jumps around a bit more. but again, better than nothing. you can get at least a general idea w the free one.

here's a good thread where u can then use the lux to get estimated ppfd. read posts above and below mine for full reasoning based on some experiments Migro did.

Now that I sit and read this slightly sober.. why would 28C/82F be an issue with led?
If that is the HIGH temp then things should be fine.
I didn't really clock about the lights until a little later as he made the question out to be about lowering temps because he thought 24c to 28c was considered high. Temps are fine but yep to much intense light for veg with those lights
Is it a noticeable difference when u removed it ? Cuz I have 2 tsl2000. That means I have 4 of those same drivers
I have 4 ts1000 . My basement temp is 70f when I have all 4 on with drivers removed my tent peaks at 74f . I only have them at 50% power .