Need to find deep red T5's Uk


New Member
Hi everyone I have finally decided on lighting for my 1.2m X 1.2m Grow space. I am going with 3 X 54W Hans panels. I am growing 2 TD Auto's and am looking for some supplementary T5 lighting. I am going with 2 X 4 tube HO horizontal (front and back) and 2 x 2 T5 HO tubes verticle (left side right side)

To ensure I have the full spectrum the tubes I have already decided on are
4 x Marine Lux t5 Actinic blue 54 w HO marine tubes
2x Wavepoint growth wave red tubes 54W
2x Ultra bright daylight 54w
1x blacklight

I need help finding someone that sells the deeper red spectrum. Our friends in the u.s seem to have multiple outlets for these t5 tubes but shipping is costing around $120 about 80 pounds and I don't trust they'll get here in one piece. I need a Uk supplier of deep red T5's. This will bed my first LED/T5 grow as I have always used HPS before but thought I would experiment with more efficient technology designed specifically for my plants needs.

I know there's alot of people on here waiting to shoot down anyone who is not growing with HID/HPS. After lot's of research this is the way I want to grow and only need advice on creating a full spectrum not on how small my buds will be because i'm not using hps :P

Any advice on spectrum ratios and colors would be helpful .

Many thanks and happy growing :D


New Member
Also just to add will be doing a grow journal once I have sorted out my lighting issues .............