NEED TO PICK A NEW STRAIN!!! +REP for the help!!


Well-Known Member
man...did i order the wrong strain from cali connect? i was supposed to get the tahoe og when they first arrived at attitude, and got the order from the october promo which deadhead was the only thing available...seems like deadhead is the most dead strain they have...havent read any reviews about it...i am getting the blackwater asap when they stock it

That Canadian

Active Member
As soon as I sent an email about wanting to change my order, I got a confirmation order saying they got my money. Hopefully og18 doesnt restock before they read my emails lol, cuz I want to switch to chem valley so bad. I got 1 order of masterkush from fantaseeds, and 6 pick n mix chem valleys if this pulls through, not to mention the promo of cali connect if they dont send my order till jan :)
man...did i order the wrong strain from cali connect? i was supposed to get the tahoe og when they first arrived at attitude, and got the order from the october promo which deadhead was the only thing available...seems like deadhead is the most dead strain they have...havent read any reviews about it...i am getting the blackwater asap when they stock it
Not really deadhead was my first choice it is 91 chemdawg skunk va cut so its the real deal crossed with sfv og kush so its a good one..Im loving my deadheads right now.
As soon as I sent an email about wanting to change my order, I got a confirmation order saying they got my money. Hopefully og18 doesnt restock before they read my emails lol, cuz I want to switch to chem valley so bad. I got 1 order of masterkush from fantaseeds, and 6 pick n mix chem valleys if this pulls through, not to mention the promo of cali connect if they dont send my order till jan :)
What the lamaican lucky dip mix?
They dont even have those seeds.I dont even know why they have it on thier site.They sold out of those quick and that promo is for packs it excludes pick n mix it says that in bold..


Well-Known Member
Not really deadhead was my first choice it is 91 chemdawg skunk va cut so its the real deal crossed with sfv og kush so its a good one..Im loving my deadheads right now.
i am really new into this kushes, and strains that i have been hearing. sorry for jacking the thread but i have been wanting to ask this questions but have been holding it through my thoughts, so i would apologize for jacking this thread. just one question or make that two. what is the difference between SFV og kush and the OG KUSH...since i know SFV stands for san fernando valley which is located in LA cali, and that OG kush originated from cali as well...or maybe i am wrong but i know for the fact that SFV is in LA since i have lived there many years. question #2 i have been hearing a lot of strains mix with chemdawg or even just chemdog or chemdawg are those the original chemdawg? since swerve states that 91 chemdawg skunk va cut is the only cut known to be out. do you know what genetics it has?


Well-Known Member
As soon as I sent an email about wanting to change my order, I got a confirmation order saying they got my money. Hopefully og18 doesnt restock before they read my emails lol, cuz I want to switch to chem valley so bad. I got 1 order of masterkush from fantaseeds, and 6 pick n mix chem valleys if this pulls through, not to mention the promo of cali connect if they dont send my order till jan :)
the best thing you can do is call them and talk to rachele personally before its to late. nonetheless, i have read it on cali connect forum swerve said himself that dna's OG is legit.


Well-Known Member
wonder where i can get there alien line...or would attitude carry them for cali connect, i dont even see it on cali connect's website.
i am really new into this kushes, and strains that i have been hearing. sorry for jacking the thread but i have been wanting to ask this questions but have been holding it through my thoughts, so i would apologize for jacking this thread. just one question or make that two. what is the difference between SFV og kush and the OG KUSH...since i know SFV stands for san fernando valley which is located in LA cali, and that OG kush originated from cali as well...or maybe i am wrong but i know for the fact that SFV is in LA since i have lived there many years. question #2 i have been hearing a lot of strains mix with chemdawg or even just chemdog or chemdawg are those the original chemdawg? since swerve states that 91 chemdawg skunk va cut is the only cut known to be out. do you know what genetics it has?
The sfv og kush is from sen fernanado valley crossed to afghani 1 male.Og kush is chemdawg.There were 4 chemdawgs that swerve worked with 1 being the skunk va cut which has more background onit but im too lazy right now to look for it but when i do ill pm it to you.Yes they are the original chemdawgs

the best thing you can do is call them and talk to rachele personally before its to late. nonetheless, i have read it on cali connect forum swerve said himself that dna's OG is legit.
Yes this is the best thing to do call up and get if fixed in 1 minute.

wonder where i can get there alien line...or would attitude carry them for cali connect, i dont even see it on cali connect's website.
If you dont live in the usa you can order from sowamazing seeds.they have alot of strains that are not out for other people yet but the price is like ordering from dr greenthumb 200 or 160 a pack a seeds.They can kick rocks.I dont care what it is im not paying no 200 dollars for a pack of reg seeds.

That Canadian

Active Member
i am really new into this kushes, and strains that i have been hearing. sorry for jacking the thread but i have been wanting to ask this questions but have been holding it through my thoughts, so i would apologize for jacking this thread. just one question or make that two. what is the difference between SFV og kush and the OG KUSH...since i know SFV stands for san fernando valley which is located in LA cali, and that OG kush originated from cali as well...or maybe i am wrong but i know for the fact that SFV is in LA since i have lived there many years. question #2 i have been hearing a lot of strains mix with chemdawg or even just chemdog or chemdawg are those the original chemdawg? since swerve states
that 91 chemdawg skunk va cut is the only cut known to be out. do you know what genetics it has?

No worries - great questions.

They won't answer their phone :(:(:(:(
I would love to grow out some Chem Dog,I just havent been able to get a hold of it.I do not know how true this info is,A freind sent it to me from weed tracker.I hope ya enjoy it & please let me know what ya think.peace

"This is for rezdog the sour diesel is in fact a total mistake the chemdog which was started in co from a very old farmer got seeds to a person in ma not cali which was started then in 91. It was the best bud i have ever smoked smelled or tasted. By 1993 it was the sickest shit around. Then the kids met these guys from ny at a phish show and they were begging the kids for a cutting which at that point was scarce.The kids were very tight and knew they had something special.We then became good friends and the kids traded the chem dog for a super skunk which is better then any skunk i have seen.We made promises to not give the shit away it was the bomb. Now this is were we get a little pissed off but are over it by now the nyc guys didnt like the name chem dog so they had a idea to chang the name to DIESEL. So the orig Chem dog is Diesel so what happend next explains the Sour The kids in ma had the best shit around everybody wanted the Chem dog people were coming up from albany to get the Diesel in bud form and they found some seeds in one batch. The super skunk that the kids were growing hermd and hit the chem dog aka diesel and the albany crew started those seeds and named it sour diesel also the orig chemdog aka diesl is og kush. its Chem dog also the ma kids are the only ones who have orig seeds of chem dog aka diesel still from the early 90s everybody got cuttings the kids still have 6 seeds left. hope you all find this info helpful i will soon give full details about the chem dog,sour diesel,diesel,og kush.Its time to settle all the bullshit that people seem to know peace to all
Guys your all right except the the og kush is a hermi seed from the chem dog from back in 96 their were only two people in the day to take the chem dog to the west coast it first hit lake tahoe. My friends chem dog got stressed and hermi a little so he decide to try the few seeds and the buddy who gave the chem dog seeds to us said the old farmer said it hade kush in it so my buddy to this day thinks its a strain of the orig kush and said if the ny kids can change the name from chem dog lets call the west coast version OG kUSH that is the truth. If anybody ever smoked the chem dog back in the day early 90s it taste like the sour but fifty times more The chem dog is the mom of the sour so basicly the og kush is a newer seed of the orig chem dog. peace to all. wmposse if any of you have questions let me know also i wanna talk to this rez dog guy because he claims no one has seeds of these strains well iam the only one with true males and females of the Chem dog,Sour diesel,Bubble chem, i have crossed a male Chem dog Aka Diesel with all of Sensi seeds good females already back in 96 they have been in storage since then and i know are still viable because the me kids just started the Super dog which is the Superskunk crossed with the chemdog and its sick enjoy the info a lot more to come
Part of what you say is true. But you have some of the facts mixed up. First of all, I go way back to the begining 92-93. my good friend from NY, was the one who got the Chem Dawg and Super Skunk first. And yes the Chem was first called Diesel because people did not like the name and because it was the "Cock Diesel" But you don't talk about the next strain created from the Chem Dawg. Also known as UnderDawg, Daywrecker, Diesel no.1 (Chem Dawg x super skunk/NL) from this the Sour was born hermied from the DNL(skunk). That is were it gets its vigorous growth and some of the taste. Any one who has grown or smoked it would know. And yes the Albany kids were the first to "find " the Sour, the "bro" and his crew did not invent it. It was grown out of seeds found in head bags bought in NYC. The upstate kids were begging for a cutting of either Diesel and wound up with bag seed to grow. Thats fact."
1. OG Kush 522 up, 67 down
buy og kush mugs, tshirts and magnets
OG Kush is a super-potent variety of medical-grade Cannabis with very distinct aroma, appearance and long-lasting psychoactive and physiological effects.

OG Kush is a mostly Cannabis Sativa hybrid, clone-only cultivar found widely in Greater Los Angeles (Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties), California, USA. The species is rumored to be another name for the legendary Chemdog (a.k.a. "Chemdawg" or "Chem") cultivar of Colorado/Wyoming, USA. In this widespread rumor, a 'cutting' (clone) of the "'91 Chemdog" made its way to Lake Tahoe, California early in the 1990's and that OG Kush is an 'S1' (1st generation offspring of a self-pollinated hermaphrodite) of this crop but it is only privately available in clone form and not in seed. Although not a "Kush," OG Kush does possess some Indica (Cannabis Sativa, Supspecies Indica) traits and it is rumored that it may have some Kush bred in its genetic heritage. However, it is mostly a Sativa in both phenotype and psychoactive effects when consumed. Some have described its effects as both cerebrally and physically stimulating and it's smell as "lemony pine-sol." The mature flowers usually appear as large and dense, lime-green clusters covered with copious amounts of "white" resin. It has sold on average for $75.00 USD for 1/8 ounce in most areas of Greater Los Angeles in 2007/2008.
She went to Earth Collective in Hollywood and donated $75.00 for an eighth of OG Kush herb.
og kush o.g. kush og o.g. kush chemdog chemdawg '91 chemdog '91 chemdawg chem chem strain diesel
by Cunning Linguist 323 May 16, 2008 share this
2. sour diesel 1062 up, 89 down
buy sour diesel mugs, tshirts and magnets
A strain of cannabis originated from the Umass Amherst area, rumored to be an offshoot of the breader ChemDawg from the days of Was quite popular amoung weed conisuers in Boston and New York in 2000. Was originally a whispy light weight strain. Soma later introduced a strain called NYCSD "New York City Sour Diesel". Claims some rasta gave it to him in NYC, how ever this strain did not originate from NYC and was most likely was other strains bred for similarity with the original, most likely shares parentage with the currently popular grapefruit strain. Because of avalabilty Soma's obviously different strain at the peak of NYCSD popularity the original from the streets of New York became known as ECSD "East Coast Sour Diesel" You can still find the original at the Grey Area coffe shop in Amsterdam. RezDawg of Resivoir seeds uses the original Sour diesel in his sour diesel strains. How ever they have been bred for more weight while keeping the potency. RezDawg's sourdiesel strains are generaly cosidered the standard now.

So how to tell the difference, Sour diesel from soma or soma breeds will be a limey sorta green where as the original was a darker almost blueish hue. This darker hue is quite evident in the strains from Rezdawg. The original smells like a diesel fuel spill at a gas station when broken up where as the Soma strain has a fruity graipfuitish smell.
sour diesel is commonly refered to as the Sour Deez, or the Deez pronounced like saying multiples Ds. Not to be confused with diesel which is a common term in NYC for herion. so it would be Got DEEZ instead of got diesel. you've been warned.

note: this is not a knock on Soma, he did invent or at least main stream the supercropping technique. However he did cause a lot of confusion that is still considered a low blow and betrayel to the original by most "elder" to the growing community. Name steeling such as unlicensed use of DJ Shorts Blueberry has caused quite a bit of fuss in the multimillion dollor seed buisiness.
sour deez nysd ecsd new york's finest original sour diesel
by Raysputin Jun 12, 2006 share this
3. chemdog 206 up, 57 down
buy chemdog mugs, tshirts and magnets
Chemdog is NOT a cross of SourDiesel and OG Kush, whomever posted this is ignorant.

Chemdog IS a strain grown in Montana, sold in Colorado for years, purchased by a person in Massachusetts, during the time when the chemdog was in Mass, the chemdog in Montana and CO stopped flowing due to leo and was left alone with the "Chemdog" (person) in Mass, There were 12 original beans, two originals males. The first female became Chemdog '91, there were chemA and chemB phenos and then in 2000 chem sister and Chem D were grown out and loved by many, The leftover seeds were brought back to CO to be grown out and now account for four more phenotypes. There are also many other hybrids including Geisel, Snodog, bubblechem among others. The SOURDIESEL is actually a sensi seeds 1986 Super Skunk grown out in VA for a while, brought to Mass. and a herm flowered this skunk and these accidental seeds were grown out in Albany and NYC and renamed the SourDiesel. (ps- Diesel is 91 Chemdog just renamed) Og Kush is Chemdog renamed when it made its way to the west coast.
Don't trust the clubs when they say they have chemdog D for 25 a gram, grow it yourself!

That Canadian

Active Member
Just got a very nice email back from jodie at the attitude at 5 am this morning saying it wasn't a problem and they we're processing 10 reg master kush, and 6 reg chem valley kush beans. Got another email at 10 am saying that my order had been dispatched. I've got a new 600 watt setup and all those beans coming in the next 1-2 weeks. Its like a kid waiting for christmas morning :):):)
Just got a very nice email back from jodie at the attitude at 5 am this morning saying it wasn't a problem and they we're processing 10 reg master kush, and 6 reg chem valley kush beans. Got another email at 10 am saying that my order had been dispatched. I've got a new 600 watt setup and all those beans coming in the next 1-2 weeks. Its like a kid waiting for christmas morning :):):)
Lol thats how i am everytime i speak with them and get my order dispatched...Im waiting for my order as we speak...