Need to raise Humidity in my tent!!!!!!?????? Any suggestions!!!????

So I have a cool mist sunbeam humidifier directly in the room but my humidity isnt going above 32%. I have it set to December on the humidifier, figured that would help raise it but its not helping at all really. My temps are fine at a constant 72-75 with 2-600's, dropping to 69-70 at night when i did shut them off and thats with freezing temps outside. now theyre running 24 hrs a day being vented outdoors, but i cant raise my humidity. my plants are looking ok but the humidity level is starting to worry me. Im also sprayin the plants and the room evry 4-5 hrs with water but that isnt helping to much either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You could spray the walls of your tent, you could leave a water bucket in there, you could put a air stone in your water bucket, you could leave a little water on the floor. But honestly if they are getting enough water and they aren't showing any problems I wouldn't worry about it. It's much better to have too little than too much.


Well-Known Member
Get a bucket mix water and ice, wet some towels and lay them around the tent. put the bucket of ice in front of your isolating fan . Hope this help Happy growing


Well-Known Member
32 is fine. When plants get bigger you will see a jump. Then ask how to drop it. I've grown some killer plants in 20% don't stress.


Well-Known Member
yea I must agree, you will be fine, I found that mine do best in veg at +40%

but +30% is`t that bad and you will love it in flowering, just make sure to provide enough water and they wont mind a little low RH as somebody allready said, it much better to be a little on the low side then Etc. struggle with +70% in flowering.

so see it from a positive side, your risk of getting mold aso. is slim, and plants will be fine with just a little more/often waterings
Thanks for all the input guys!!!!!! It's much appreciated!!!! The RH is holding strong at 30% so as you guys say i wont worry about it. Ill just bump up the spraying throughout the day.