need to re word something .....what can u think of

It does mimic the unintelligible garble of mainy

But mainy can't be real he just can't be . so who controls the mainy?

That's a crazy thought lol. That there's legitimately a Mainliner out there somewhere retarding up whatever shit hole hasn't shunned him.. And it has Wi-Fi ruined riu
Well not ruined. But he does make it sucky when he talks

The needs of the Mainy outweigh the needs of the few, or the sock...


filling the lady today .....this way i can cum off some of the expensive moving supplies

i need a description of what i am going to do ( no worries filling my mom) oregon

i am an olive

i need something i can put in there other than... but is that? can't be.....if i can get it tight i can get a builtXXXchest, id attach to the nipple making it simpler for me to feed later ( yes yes i know if i open a gland i'll age no more)

i posted here as it sees the most traffic and smart ass comments might be just what i need
i did my best to reword it for you. no thanks needed
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It does mimic the unintelligible garble of mainy

But mainy can't be real he just can't be . so who controls the mainy?

That's a crazy thought lol. That there's legitimately a Mainliner out there somewhere retarding up whatever shit hole hasn't shunned him.. And it has Wi-Fi ruined riu
Well not ruined. But he does make it sucky when he talks
The scary part is that much time is wasted on poor trolling*poor may be a bad word as it doea create apite and reaponaes the main goal*

I got a lot of time but creating accounts like that is more qork thwn I can do. A good troll can also use one account sucessfully.

Im perplexed by it all.

Im being assaulted by cat lady in text. She is mad I smoke weed while my kitties chill on my lap. Like they run if I light cigs and come chill beaide me during joints.

I aint their god damn boss. My kitties are royalty but cat lady drunk as fuck.

I vaguely remember trolling her fb account while smoking rox. Man sleep is a distant thought.

1 hit and ill stop I say as I whip up another batch. Just 1 hit baby its all I need, look in my eyes mama you can see I aint Lying

**takes two blasts**

1 more baby just 1 more cant you aee it Im serious

I use vodka to whip this one batch as thw man who taugbt me said to try it.

Definitely brings you closer to a ammonia style base from that hit.

Protip: always put it in thw freezer for a min. That quick cool down works a lot better.

Yo I wanna do math

Not much just a few equations but then sleep is way too hard.

Dexies and blues may be the better choice. Got 35 blues at 10 a pop.

Roxi and cat cuddles, I have the biggest smile right now.

Australian telling me my accent is funny. Cunt is a common qord in the bogan dixtionary.

Bonus pointa to anyone that knows the term bogan and aint from straya or is a kiwi weirdo.

Bogan= white trash or can be used to refer to thw aboriginal but moatly qould refer to the beer drinking southern tatted folks.

Word of the day bogan

Damn i got too much to say about nothing
well i double checked with them thanks to CAT
they can do it set up a LLC for a cannabis grow issues

325 for the it be ready in 1 day ( file today have llc by thursday )

what do u all think of this one

specialized herbal cultavation and processing

the processing part can mean i do oil or i do trim ....hire me i cut and dry your stuff for u trim it up and return it to u for testing and sale in the market