need ventilation help


Active Member
i have been growing for years but have just recently started indoors. I wanted to know if someone could tell me the equipment i would need to cool and clean air exchange a room thats 10'x10'x7 1/2'.i will be using a 600watt hps/mh and a t-5 6 light 4'. and a 250watt for mother. any info will be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I have a 6inch Vortex Fan. It works great, i had it on about half power when i had my 6x7x6 box. It moves tonnes of air and is pretty quite. Also, i had 2 digital 600w lights in my room, and yours is bigger. I would go for at least 2 if not 3 or 4, 600w bulbs if you can. The t5 lights dont have nearly the range of your HPS, so you'll have to have the fluorescent tube on a chain so you can lower and raise it


Active Member
thanks for info. i am going to divide the room up into 2 and use closet for mother on one side and clones on the other with the t-5's. then divide the 10'x10' into a veg. and flower room. a 600hps in flower and a 400mh in veg. just cant figure out what type of venting and cooling system to go with because i am going to use co2


Well-Known Member
i have been growing for years but have just recently started indoors. I wanted to know if someone could tell me the equipment i would need to cool and clean air exchange a room thats 10'x10'x7 1/2'.i will be using a 600watt hps/mh and a t-5 6 light 4'. and a 250watt for mother. any info will be greatly appreciated.
I know you've updated this but a rule of thumb for ventilation is you want to get a CFM fan that contains twice the total amount of CFM's as you have square feet cubed in your space. 10x10x7.5=750 sq ft cubed x 2 = 1500 CFM fan. This ensures you will move your air out expediently enough to control humidity & keep your temps dialed in & regulated.


Active Member
thanks man, looks like this vent system is gonna cost a lil bit, but whatever it takes lol. ill start a thread when i get started on room and post pics as i go.i got alot of shit to buy still but i figure ill have it built by april. any one have suggestions or design concepts for grow room please let me know, this is all new to me. i know ill be using a soil mix and hesi nuts. but besides that its a lot of drawing and figures on papers scattered everywhere


Well-Known Member
If you build a window box you can supply and exhaust fresh air without cutting any new holes.
If you have forced air heating with a duct in the floor you can remove the register and close off the supply from the heater. then put the register back on and have a supply of cool co2 rich air.
A supply of clean water is good too. Maybe run an r/o under the house and up through the floor, only need a 1/4 in hole.


Active Member
there is a double window in room, so i guess i could seal one off and build a box on one. so i need to run a exhaust fan to a carbon filter, then to the window box, with window cracked right?


Well-Known Member
Yea, I suppose you could make an inline scrubber with some activated carbon in a nylon or something. Then open the window all the way or remove it all together so it looks closed and leave the blinds open on an angle. This is much smaller but you get an idea.

I found a sheet of plywood and cut the sides, Notched them at the top

I have a second cabinet to vent so I cut a notch for one of those space saving dryer vent ducts.

Then the back was two piece, I need to align the cabinet and drill the four inch holes so I figure
to get them straight I will try and drill it at the same time then move the cabinet to mount the flanges.

Then to make it stealth from the outside view I put the blinds back up and angled them down.

Then used duct tape and weather stripping to seal it up.



Active Member
cool man, thanks. ill use this sort of set up on mine then, it will be easist way. guess i could use both windows. do a in and out.