Yeah. Im truthful with everything. I wish i didnt have to move back in.
now i just got make them believe that with responsible psychedlic use is less harm than alcohol
The main thing about responsible psychedlic use is that you have to be responsible with everything else in your life. If your parents think you are spending all of your time tripping and getting high instead of working or studying, then you will have a problem. No amount of explaining will change their mind. But if you have your act together there will be less they can say. If you had to move back in, you might have fucked something up. You need to address what ever that was first and start working on a plan to move back out. The last thing any parent wants is to have a grown child move back in, especially one that is cooking up wierd drugs in the basement.
That being said, I think a good way to put chemicals like lsd and especially dmt is to explain them as entheogens, not drugs. The motivation to use lsd and dmt is different than the desire to use heroin or cocaine or even to drink. People hear "drugs" and lump everything together, from weed to meth. We know there is a big difference. If you can get the entheogen concept properly explained, you can turn doing dmt into something like doing yoga or meditating or praying instead of getting fucked up, then you will be doing good. It sounds like you are pretty honest with your parents, so they must be reasonable people. If they wern't you would probably just lie to them.
As far as them thinking dmt is bad just because you have to use chemicals to extract it, you just need to explain that there are tons of other things we consume everyday that use pretty exotic chemical processes to make. What about soda? what about otc medicines?
Making white bread flour is a chemical process. Chemicals aren't bad. I don't know what method you use to make dmt, but I was looking at one the other day and the most exotic chemical it used was sodium hydroxide, or lye, which sounds bad. It sounds really bad when people say that that lye is drain cleaner, which it can be used for. But, lye is also used to make soap, and soap isn't bad. I bet if you wanted to start a business making handmade soap and selling it your parents wouldn't have a problem with that. Lye is also used to cure olives, and olives aren't bad. If you had an olive tree in your yard and wanted to make your own olives nobody would have a problem with that. (but be careful, cause lye can mess you up if you aren't ) The point is that just because you need a chemical to make something doesn't make it bad. It also might be a good idea to not do a dmt extraction or marijuana grow while you are still at their house, wait till you get your own place.
Hope that helped, and keep in mind that I don't know you, so if I made any asumptions that aren't true, don't bust my balls about it, just trying to help.