Need your advice on the plots I desided on


Active Member
When I'm picking spots, these are the things I keep in mind:

1. any sign of human life
2. full sun, and how much of it
3. soil, (and how wet it is)
4. if it's near water, I know it's easier to grow near water, cause then you don't have to haul it in, but the helicopters know that too, so I make a point to NOT grow near water, more work, but safer IMO
5. cover, and what kind, this is a toss up for me, evergreens are best for cover obviously cause they don't lose their leaves/needles, whatever, but you'll also be dealing with more acidic soil near evergreens(if you're going in the ground, not containers). I don't know the vegetation in cali, I'm far far away, but I try to grow near sumacs, as their flower bud thing looks similar, and they provide cover, and sun to get through at the same time
6. a tree line or something that allows me to access my plants without leaving a trail, like i can just pop out of a tree line and be at them
I'm sure there's more I'm not thinking of, but those are some big ones, if that helps, hope it does


Well-Known Member
Put a patch at each location. Also dont plant where the trees are,they are paperbark (swamp trees) and it will flood in that gully late summer.


Well-Known Member
Well I've never seen it flood out here. But also it's been a realy dry winter. I can't plant next to the trees. It's already a mud hole but was thinking of on the hill sides high enough so they are out of the wet soil but low enough it waters itself. Going to mix a ffof and perlite mix with worm castings. Dig a hole and mix natural soil with my mix. Leave it till I see leaves yellowing or showing signs of nut def. Then add my mix of organic tea. Top with guano mixed in with the top 3 inch of soil. Sprinkle dry nutes on the top soil and let it go.
If I put diatamatus earth(sp)? around the plants would it change the nutes I'm trying to stableize? Don't know what the ph of the water is yet but I will next time I'm out there. Is there a way to ajust the soil so ph is where I need it if the water is to high or low. I'm going to be asking some stupid questions. I'm a indoor hydro guy so this is my first real grow in soil. SKits a big step but there is one way to learn and that's to jump in and do it.