need your opinion on my plant


Active Member

Thanks for taking a look at my post.

My Kush is 30 days old, under 24/7 CFL, humidity 50%, temperature 22C, in soil. I started giving the plant pH Perfect Sensi grow A+B (1.25ml each per liter) two days ago, with 1.25ml B-52. I am starting on the low side with nuts to have the plant get used to them.

Is the plant too dense and too small, should I start giving it 6 hours of darkness each day to have it stretch a bit? It really smells nice though!

Overall, how does the plant look?

I appreciate your opinion as I an a newbie to this stuff!



New Member
looks great, but if you let the soil dry out more the leaves may stop going through chlorosis


Well-Known Member
Looking good but a bit pale, give it some nitrogen and transplant into a larger pot as soon as possible. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
If it's kush it will grow short and bushy naturally, I suggest topping and LST training to help the lower branches receive more light.


Active Member
What majek said. Veryy pale. Some nitrogen will darken them up. Did u just water? Leafs look like they lil saggin
I watered maybe two hours ago, but leafs look saggy most of the time. I let the soil dry out though. I will put this one in a larger pot straight away!
I was planning on doing another dosage of 1.25ml per liter of pH Perfect sensi grow A+B (1.25ml of each) and then go to 2ml of each, supplemented with 1.25ml of B-52. Would that help the nitrogen?

Noob grower1

Active Member
As long as its high in nitrogen, and check back in after u repot in a week or so. Pretty sure that can cause ur leafs to looks like that. Nice short n bushy btw


Active Member
Soil: a mix of cactus soil, perlite, vermiculite, potting soil and start & seedling mix. Best I can do here in my isolated community.
Lamps: CFL: 5x 23w 6500K and 1 40w 2700K. Other lamps are above smaller and younger plants, too, in total 9 23w 6500K and 2 40w 2700.

I just repotted into the biggest pot I have on hand (2.5 times the size of the old one), now I will water thoroughly until it comes out of the bottom, right? I will add pH pefect sensi grow 1.25ml to the water, as well as some B-52.

Does that make sense? See pictures of the plant in the new pot.

I will need to look at a good link for info on topping and LST. I have read about the basics, but I am new to this.



New Member
when you water you should do it slowly and stop as soon as you see a single drop come out the bottem


Active Member
i'll go do that right now. Thanks guys for all your help and that within only 30 minutes!


Active Member
OK. operation and watering done. Added 1.25ml of Sensi grow A and 1.25 of Sensi grow B + 2ml of B-52.

I do have a pop bottle cut up that would fit over the largest plant as a dome (the one just transplanted). Would that help stabilize for a few days?

See pictures of my setup.

I will wait with watering until the pots are dried out completely, and keep giving 1.25 Sensi. Or should I go up a notch to 2ml per liter?



Well-Known Member
Very nice little plant, mnost things have already been said that need to be, all im going to say is that plant IMO Would be better off in a sog grow, Perhaps using it as a mother and go get 10-20 clones of it :D


New Member
youre doing great but something is stunting you man.. is it hot in there?

are you letting the soil dry out?

you have enough high quality light, setup well. should be growing even faster. give them 4 hours of rest per night? see if anything happens

running out room for my sativa dom..and shes tied cfls arent good at getting their life far, very weak light, but very good color spectrum for process to occur


Well-Known Member
Over watered and in need of a transplant. Looks decent though. Once you transplant, she will start to pick up again.


Active Member
Please do not take advice from bmeat. he means well but has never successfully applied any info he reads for and entire 9-11 weeks. things look good man keep reading and dont water for 5 days at least. let those roots search a bit.