Needing a better understanding.


Well-Known Member
Lack of air movement and high humidity is the biggest cause of mold in the latter stages of flowering.

happy growing
My screen name is really the case, so excuse me if I'm not getting the big pic. But I'm 3-5 weeks into flowering and i have one auto-flower that has been doing it's own thing. It forced me to flower the rest of my room. I'm pretty sure it's in the fifth week and the rest around 3-4. What I'm wondering is with me being a rookie, and this plant wanting to do it's own thing. What do i need to do ensure that I can pull it with the rest of them without problems and or what should i look for?

thank for any info


Well-Known Member
Well seems like you have it well in hand ... I mean they grew this long with no problems. Basically just keep a fan blowing the air around in your room/tent or whatever, keep your temps below 75F. Have an eye on your plants, I have always found they will tell you when something is wrong ( wilting, color loss or change, etc). Keep any change you make to your nutes or lighting small to see how your plants react. and above all .. have fun ... remember they are a weed afterall.

happy growin

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
My screen name is really the case, so excuse me if I'm not getting the big pic. But I'm 3-5 weeks into flowering and i have one auto-flower that has been doing it's own thing. It forced me to flower the rest of my room. I'm pretty sure it's in the fifth week and the rest around 3-4. What I'm wondering is with me being a rookie, and this plant wanting to do it's own thing. What do i need to do ensure that I can pull it with the rest of them without problems and or what should i look for?

thank for any info
If I understand this right, you flowered all your regular plants because your auto was flowering? That's what autos do, they flower regardless of the light cycle. Common sense says that more light is better and you can flower them with vegging plants. It's okay though, just keep the air circulating with fresh air in and a fan blowing it around and on the plants. I don't have very hiugh humidity, but the only plant I ever had mold on was one I put inside a small cabinet with poor ventiulation.
How else was I supposed to get to all finish around the same time. My apologies if that sounded a lil dickish and thank for the info. Ive read a lot of good post from you. I'll take every bit of info your willing to lend. And now that I've gotchya is flowering longer a bad idea if I was battling mites?


Well-Known Member
they will never finish at the same time, autos finish quick. if the auto was 2 weeks in flower when you put your normal girls on 12/12 then you will end up doing two harvests anyway.

i think the best outcome would have been let the auto flower for 4-5 weeks then switch to 12/12. the auto would be finishing up just as your reg girls stopped the stretch phase and filled out. plus you would have had something to smoke on when you are getting tempted by how nice your other plants are looking and prevent you from pulling them early.

planning is 9/10 of success.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^ All good advise. Keep yer temps down, and keep the RH below 45%. And above all else circulate the air around the buds!!! Many Sats go for 16 weeks or longer without mold probs. A man (or woman) can't have too many oscillating fans blowing in a flowering room.


Well-Known Member
this site (and others like it, but mainly this one) are the reason i took up growing.

seeing how easy people made it look to grow quality cannabis kick started my obsession with growing. i read every day for 6 months before i even started and luckily my first run went well and i haven't looked back.

read, read, read some more, then ask a question if you don't find what it is you wan't to know.

hope all goes well for you.