Needing Some Advice; Job Mailed Drug Test Kit


Well-Known Member
I have recently accepted a new job. The job is located about 2hrs from where I currently live (Relocating) and they mailed me a drug test kit to take "At my convenience" to a local clinic. At the clinic, I would give the specimen (Quick Fix) and the clinic would then send specimen to a lab of my potential employers choice.

They have an invoice saying where to bill for the test and an address of where they want it sent. Along with FedEx shipping box/concealing envelope. - This will be a NON-DOT test -

Im devising my plan now, but I had some questions and wanted some opinions.

My plan at the moment:
- Heat up QF in the microwave to ______ degrees?
- Crotch the QF
- Head to the clinic
- Let them review the paperwork and sign what ever I need to
- Pour QF into the cup
- Pee a small amount in the toilet
- Check temp
- Take specimen to clinic

Here are my questions and concerns with the process:

Can QF be microwaved and re-microwaved, for "Practice" reasons? Im not sure exactly what temperature I should try to get the QF to so it will be in range once I use it 20-30 min later.

Also, I read on another forum, if you're wanting a little bit of help with getting the specimen warmer you should pee in the cup, pour it out, and then add QF. Any truth to that? I would think dirty pee would taint the cup and would compromise the clean QF.

What if the temperature is too low once its in the cup? Could I just apply the hand warmer to the test cup and hold it until the temp is in range?

Thanks for any and all advice!
I took a test yesterday for a job at the actual lab. I had clean pee in a 5 hr energy bottle almost to the top, freshly squeezed.

Then I put under my sack and drove to the office where I waited over an hour sitting on the bottle.

When it was my turn I quickly uncapped the bottle, filled the sample cup, pissed in the toilet and was good to go.
Off to a lab ?
Gas chrome? Good fucking luck!

BE SURE ANY SYNTHETIC PISS is able to pass a Gas Chromatograph testing.

Changing jobs and you can't stay clean long enough to actually get a job......kinda sad.


Check their whole site over!
gaschrome no way u pass,i got hit with one it picked out benzo I had taken 1 time more than month be fore text,it tell every thing in body no fooling it,with gas chrome it gets shipped out no instant read,hope not your case
i use real pee and i heat a cup of water in microwave then hold bottle of pee in it till desired temp....around 98-100f.....then rubber band a hand warmer to bottle and ball it. i also tape my underwear legs so nothing can fall out.
Off to a lab ?
Gas chrome? Good fucking luck!

BE SURE ANY SYNTHETIC PISS is able to pass a Gas Chromatograph testing.

Changing jobs and you can't stay clean long enough to actually get a job......kinda sad.


Check their whole site over!

There's more to it than that. Ive been at my job like 5 years. Was clean and fresh out of school when I took the job. Learned the ropes for about 6 months or so and then started smoking again. I have QF in my duffle bag when Im away at work. I wasnt looking for a new job, but a new job presented itself and the process begun very quickly. So, since Ive smoked for around 4 years pretty solid, I wasnt going to chance being able to get clean in 2-3 weeks time. Ive done my fair share of research, not only on drug tests, but QF as well. It has a very high success rate if done properly. The hardest thing to get right is the desired temperature. If it checks out and gets sent off, I dont think Ive really read anyone saying it came back as failed. Either way, this is the route that I figured I'd have a better chance at passing with. It would realistically probably take me 4-6 weeks to get clean and thats taking into consideration cardio + massive water consumption.
I took a test yesterday for a job at the actual lab. I had clean pee in a 5 hr energy bottle almost to the top, freshly squeezed.

Then I put under my sack and drove to the office where I waited over an hour sitting on the bottle.

When it was my turn I quickly uncapped the bottle, filled the sample cup, pissed in the toilet and was good to go.

Hope you cleaned that bottle well. There's gona be some interesting piss test results otherwise :lol:
You should be fine, sounds like they were head hunting and want you. So this mail in kit is an insurance formality IMO.

Just run your QF routine and be at ease. Don't let people freak you out with speculation at best. Nobody can say how they will test the sample. It is what it is in the end. They wont goto the most expensive test right off the top unless your sample flags then you may have an issue but I doubt it even on next level test with QF.

Can QF be microwaved and re-microwaved
I put mine on the dash on the drive over to where ever and take it off at 102 degrees should cool off enough to stay in temp range.
say bro
fake pee will pass...
as long as temp is on point

i use it half the time, i have a high metabolism and get clean super fast...but sometimes when i dont feel like going a couple days sober.......

anyway, i get tested thoroughly for all kinds of shit working with pharma
its passed every time
I have used QF many times with success . I stick it in my sock and it comes with the little heating pad with it so it keeps it hot.
I had a problem last time with my QF because i microwaved it too long and it got too hot. It was up over 100. I figured it would go down by the time i had to give my sample but it did not.
I failed the test right there. The girl said it was out of range temp wise.
So she said i could try again. I did not have another QF on me, and you can not leave the premises after you fail. So i sat around and drank like a gallon of water . I sat and drank for over and hour then i peed. I thought i would fail. I hadnt smoked in 2 weeks, but was a everyday user for months... well to my surprise I passed.
I was in the same situation as you. I got a travel job and they mailed my UA sample kit to take with me to them.
As long as you are in the right temp reading, there should be a temp guage strip in the front of teh bottle, you should be fine. Quick Fix Plus with Urea for states like WA that test for Urea.
Good Luck.
ya i also say this all the time. its highly unlikely to fail beyond a week with todays 50ng limit.
i can pass in 48hrs...and have

ive heard these horror stories of it taking weeks, never seen that in conducted studies or accounts ive witnessed

pluss it get access to my exact results, for example off the top of my head specific gravity of my synth urine is always 1.005

sometimes i post the science behind this, thc has a prettu short half life in the body
Oh yeah,lol, one other time... I almost failed with QF
IT was for a strike job. To fill in for the strikers for 4 days or so.
I get to the cAsino to fill out some of the paperwork and they hand me a cup to pee in and told me to go down the hall to the bathroom. I was like, hee hee, eazy peezy. I will def pass this one. But the line on the pee cup was pretty low and as I was pouring the QF in it i thought, shit.. i dont even have to use the entire QF. I can save some! WRONG MOVE>
I get back with my pee and he tests it somehow and the test isnt providing any answers. He said it was strange, nothing is happening... must have gotten a bad kit, can you hang around and pee again. Sure. but i was wondering what was up. Then after like 10 minutes he looks at the pee again and it finally said i passed. I read later that you need to use ALL the QF in the bottle or it wont work properly.
ya i also say this all the time. its highly unlikely to fail beyond a week with todays 50ng limit.
i can pass in 48hrs...and have

ive heard these horror stories of it taking weeks, never seen that in conducted studies or accounts ive witnessed

pluss it get access to my exact results, for example off the top of my head specific gravity of my synth urine is always 1.005

sometimes i post the science behind this, thc has a prettu short half life in the body
This is news to me. I thought THC stayed in the fat for a long time. Todays limit of 50ng?
so are you saying all the pee testing everywhere allows 50 ng of THC?
I have recently accepted a new job. The job is located about 2hrs from where I currently live (Relocating) and they mailed me a drug test kit to take "At my convenience" to a local clinic. At the clinic, I would give the specimen (Quick Fix) and the clinic would then send specimen to a lab of my potential employers choice.

They have an invoice saying where to bill for the test and an address of where they want it sent. Along with FedEx shipping box/concealing envelope. - This will be a NON-DOT test -

Im devising my plan now, but I had some questions and wanted some opinions.

My plan at the moment:
- Heat up QF in the microwave to ______ degrees?
- Crotch the QF
- Head to the clinic
- Let them review the paperwork and sign what ever I need to
- Pour QF into the cup
- Pee a small amount in the toilet
- Check temp
- Take specimen to clinic

Here are my questions and concerns with the process:
Can QF be microwaved and re-microwaved, for "Practice" reasons? Im not sure exactly what temperature I should try to get the QF to so it will be in range once I use it 20-30 min later.

Also, I read on another forum, if you're wanting a little bit of help with getting the specimen warmer you should pee in the cup, pour it out, and then add QF. Any truth to that? I would think dirty pee would taint the cup and would compromise the clean QF.

What if the temperature is too low once its in the cup? Could I just apply the hand warmer to the test cup and hold it until the temp is in range?

Thanks for any and all advice!

Go get a job that don't make you leave home or violate your human rights

after all what are your rights worth...?
You should be fine, sounds like they were head hunting and want you. So this mail in kit is an insurance formality IMO.

Just run your QF routine and be at ease. Don't let people freak you out with speculation at best. Nobody can say how they will test the sample. It is what it is in the end. They wont goto the most expensive test right off the top unless your sample flags then you may have an issue but I doubt it even on next level test with QF.

I put mine on the dash on the drive over to where ever and take it off at 102 degrees should cool off enough to stay in temp range.
Whats the range it has to be in? Ive read 90*-100* and Ive read like 96*- 100*

Yea, my only concern is getting the temp right. Ive been just practicing I guess you could say. It seems like when i tuck the bottle of QF under my sack, the temp only gets to around 94* or 95*

I havent tried the hand warmer, so Im not sure how that works. I didnt wanna waste it for practice.

I can apply hand warmer to the bottle, rubber band it, tuck it, and not worry about the QF being ruined by high temps and a long wait?

I dont know what temp the hand warmer will get the QF on its on.
I dont know how fast the QF will lose temp.

I dont want to have the QF in range in the test cup and then bring it out only to have it go from 97* to like 95* or 94* in the matter of a minute or so.

I know Im just paranoid and overthinking things. Im an over analyser and I cant help it lol I just want to get my ducks in a row to the best of my ability and not just walk in assuming everything will go exactly as planned. If its too cold, I want a plan. If its too hot, I want a know?

Thanks for everyone's input so far! I appreciate it!
You want to have it 96-99 maybe 100 if it is hot out side. Get it up to temp and put it in you Michael Jordan Haines or in you sock to keep it on temp.

I have used QF more than a few time never had any probs with it. hand warmer an hour ahead if you can and tuck it away on the body to maintain heat is how I have used them before. and give it a little shake in the bottle before you dump it to put a head on it(foam).
You want to have it 96-99 maybe 100 if it is hot out side. Get it up to temp and put it in you Michael Jordan Haines or in you sock to keep it on temp.

I had a problem last time with my QF because i microwaved it too long and it got too hot. It was up over 100. I figured it would go down by the time i had to give my sample but it did not.
I failed the test right there. .

Good info guys.

Like I said, I havent practiced with the hand warmer yet, but I had a question regarding it:

How high of a temp will the hand warmer get it alone? Since Im not sure of my wait time, if any, I was just curious as to how high of a temp the QF will get to if the hand warmer is on for 30-45 min?

Im also taking a digital thermometer ( doesnt beep or anything) so I can see how hot it is if it does go up over 100*.

Ive experimented briefly with just tucking the QF under my sack for 20 min or so, a couple different times. It seems though by doing this alone (without hand warmer) Im always a degree or 2 under my desired range.