needs a little help - space problem pictures


hello friends
i have a 3 months plant currently at day 30 of flowering
my closet is not tall enough and i already so i started bending the plant with a small rope
do you think its ok for the plant ? or danger? the low part of the plant has really nice branches and the upper part is very thin.. is there something i can do ?

also i wanted to know if a female without any males will give seeds anyway? or she will give me no seeds at all?
thank you for the time love to hear answers


Well-Known Member
how is that growing? :s i dont see any pot anywhere it should be fine i wouldnt see why it wouldnt be fine. the reason the top is like it is is because the light as at the bottom of it. get more lighting and put it near the top and it will help


Well-Known Member
check out some pruning/training techniques. LST, ScrOG, etc. for this one, rig some string system to keep it where you want. bend her over and tie her down a bit. gently......


Active Member
Allunimum is very dangerous, Mylar too. fans tend, to blow this stuff around, you dont wan't ANYTHING like this coming in contact with any electric extension coupling, ie. extension cord or light socket. I have personaly have seen what this can do at night while you sleep. lucky I didn't burn my house down.
Static, light socket, who knows but I can't stress this enough with new growers get it outa there. Alunimum also creates heat spots It magnifies light not reflect it,It can cause damage to your plants. Best alternitive is flat white paint. Not gloss, flat. There were alot of tests on this,flat white reflects better than most reflective sheets. if this is not an option in your space there are cheep alternates. Mylar 4 by 8 emergency survival blankets can be found at all sportinggood stores, even gas stations with tackle and outdoor stuff carry these things.I bought most of mine early on In my growing career at mini marts and grocery stores. I've since changed to a better reflective material. I tryied the cab grow, long time ago and found after the first grow It wasn't worth it. I've since gone to a grow room or two. so much easier to install a dead bolt on an unused bathroom/ bedroom. Basement grows I've found to be easest to manage. When you look for a place to live that suports your grow effort, look for a house with a basement or bedrooms with no carpet. also a fire place is a good thing. Waste material tends to pile up, if you have any place to despose of it. This stuff you Don't want lieing around, and you NEVER want to put grow trash in your garbage cans. I wont even put soil bags in my trash. Every scrap of waste my grow produces is burned . You don't want a bag full of leaves going to the dump with your old mail. It might not be enough to obtain a search warrant, but it will start an investigation leading to a warrant! Be smart don't brag to even close friends. GOLDEN RULE tell no one. One leads to dozens, then your friends will be your cellmates. peace
Added note Greg Greens book "The Cannabis Grow Bible" is on line, you can access most if not all this book with a click. very very usefull tool from germinating to breeding and everything in between. check out scrog method this might be helpfull with your cab grow.