Neem oil application for spider mites

great post...

I think i have spider mites building, i have some neem oil already that i used to wipe out gnat larvae on the roots - worked a dream.

I have 3 lowrdyer2s growing on day 52, 18 days from harvest. Do you think i would be okay spraying them at this point.

Probably worth mentioning i will be away for 3 days from tomorrow so if there are any adverse affects then i won't be around to jump in. On the other hand i don't want to come home to a population explosion that i will struggle with close to harvest..

WHat you think guys?
I like this forum, he solved my many problems, thank you
Sorry to drag up an old threat, but great post. It helps me sleep better at night knowing the systemic protection is just going to take longer than I thought!