Neem Oil Problem

IMG00052-20110718-1709.jpgMy plants are showing signs of suffocation due to neem oil. I sprayed them yesterday and they looked really healthy, today they look very sick and like they are dieing. some of the leaves i can see through as well. Any ideas how i can get these plants back to good health, or am i fucked?

The plants are only young and still in veg, 3 weeks from seed they are.

I have rinsed the plants under plain water since and left out of the grow room to dry off before putting them back under any light later on today. Is there anything at all i can do to help these survive? Thanks


Well-Known Member
That does not look like a problem caused by neem oil , how much did you spray on it ?

it kinda looks like its been overwatered , im not saying it is though

id leave it alone and let it recover , only water once the soil starts to get dried out

give some tlc with come cfl`s then put a hid over it after it recovers
That does not look like a problem caused by neem oil , how much did you spray on it ?

it kinda looks like its been overwatered , im not saying it is though

id leave it alone and let it recover , only water once the soil starts to get dried out

give some tlc with come cfl`s then put a hid over it after it recovers
I did give them a good spraying with the neem mixture. Do you think they will recover? I dont think it is over watering as id only watered them the day before as soon as the lights came on and they were fine all day. Grabbing a cfl soon and moving them in a room on their own to try and recover them..


Active Member
imo, neem is very potent stuff, did u use a wetting agent with it? i always start with smallest doses for babies on neem. id wash the leaves really good, cut off dead spots and dead leaves put them in in-direct light and no more stress, should recover (not promising) ive done this before and the only thing my girls did was take a week to recover and start growing again. hope this helps some :) GOOD LUCK
imo, neem is very potent stuff, did u use a wetting agent with it? i always start with smallest doses for babies on neem. id wash the leaves really good, cut off dead spots and dead leaves put them in in-direct light and no more stress, should recover (not promising) ive done this before and the only thing my girls did was take a week to recover and start growing again. hope this helps some :) GOOD LUCK
Thats the boost of confidence ive been looking for all day. i dunno who is more stressed me or my plants, id say me as ive been a twat with everyone today because how i found these this morning lol. Got them in a seperate room now, under a cfl. Thanks for that post, birghtened my day a little bit, ill keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
you should only use a t spoon per 2 litres of water with a little dish liquid to emulsify and best at lights out so that the heat doesnt shrink the oil to quick and suffocate the plant as it did yours, great stuff neem but need to be careful, good luck mate