Neem oil


Well-Known Member
can you over neem oil plants? I have a mite problem and have hit them with neem oil--it has killed a bunch but still see them--its only been a couple days but im willing to spray them everyday to save my crop
What brand of neem oil are you using? Usually you spray every 3 days. Are you doing a soil drench too?

the brand is "garden safe" extract-- I just started hitting them--will hit them every 3 days and yes ,spraying the ground around them--its an outdoor grow
that neem is garbage order ahimsa Indian neem oil from either build a soil or neem resource. if you want quality organic neem. Aside from neem having azadiractin it also has phos, nitrogen, potassium, iron, sulfur, magnanese, magnesium, calcium, and copper

with any neem use less than the directions say. Oils can clog the stomata and suffocate the plant. Use a an emulsifier - yucca extract or castile soap or aloe vera . Silica is a horrible emulsifier.

for the soil you can top dress ahimsa neem cake. but you wan to top dress worm castings and compost on top of any amendments to break them down faster.
I have used Einsteins in the past but I use Azamax now. Both worked well for me. I spray plants as a wash and a preventative, but for more hard core infestations I apply a soil drench, which gets neem into the system of the plant and will last for about a month. Not all neems are created equal so if you find that your neem is not as effective as you'd like be prepared to switch neems.

thanks bud(pun intended) --capt jack is made by bonide-- I got the spinosad and treating now-- it also is good for potato bugs-- I treated my potato plants and wiped them out so im encouraged
Spray as a foilar two times a couple days apart. Also add it to two waterings as a systemic.

Be careful outdoors as spinosad kills bees.
I like my neem and azamax with a drop of dawn myself's what works best for me .....and yes you can hurt your plants if you don't use it correctly ....and doing it every day is not guna make it work better ....if you mist em good then every 4 days will be fine's already on your plants so spraying more and more will only cause other issues .....good luck killing the basterds