If you're growing outdoors as well, you should try talking to him about it. If he's collecting pollen and knows what he's doing, it's probable your plants will not be affected. If indoors, keep your trap, as well as any windows pointing toward his plants shut. Don't look to take any highground regarding your own grow though, males are equally important in the world of marijuana, and the best growers out there make full use of them.
allyou can do is say hey bro im growing to but females, so if there is any way you can please move them so that they don.t hurt my girls. i will be more then happy to help you move them where ever you can put them and not turn mine into seeds. thanks it would greatly be appretchated... then go from there.at least you were kind enough to ask and if he say no,then it on like donky kong my friend..and walk awayHey I recently found out my neighbor is growing a male plant within 50 meters of my clones and lots of em, he says he knows what he is doing, but i am uncertain and don't want all mine to go to shit. So my question is, Is is possibly for my not to get pollunated with in that range? and if so why and how?