Neighbor told me to water my plants with rain water. Good idea? Rep points given

Shark Week

for a short answer yes. Rain water often contains nitrogen and other elements, which makes it an excellent source of water for marijuana plants. If you are going to use just rain water to water your plants make sure it wont react with the medium you use (ie. to much nitrogen) or your plants will die.


Well-Known Member
being that most rain is acidic i guess it would be alright pH wise (unless it was crazy acidic) but theres a lot of sulfur+h20=suflur dioxide (bad!) and ammonium ions in the water that are not good for vegetative growth.


Well-Known Member
well, that's what the plants would receive if they were out in their natural environment..

so.. common sense would say yea. It def. won't hurt anything..

good luck..



Well-Known Member


its why we have forests.

Soccer mom moment, every new grower has them. "How much apple juice can my kids drink and not get diabetes" Hmmmmmmm. . . . . ;)


Well-Known Member
rain water is awesome. Where i live its been raining non stop with very few days of sunshine, and my garden is doing great. someimtes it seems like the rain will make my plants burst up without even needing the sunshine. i always thought that the sun was core importance, but now that its been raining here so much, i see that rainwater really does make an awesome difference. rain is like the suns good friend. they hang out and smoke blunts all the time

tap water is full of chemicals and all kinds of man-made garbage. rainwater is pure. like someone else said, just look at the rain forests.


Well-Known Member
i dont see why people are harshing on this dude as much as they are. keep in mind, some areas, however remote or even few and far between, recieve acid rain. iam not saying it will definitely be an issue if you rain is acidic, but you should definitely be doing a ppm and pH check on it before you put it in your soil, just like you should do for ANYTHING you put in your soil.