Neighbors Complaining about smell....

1. Rec and growing are legal in Alaska but you cannot have any odor discernible from the exterior of the building.

2. I had a similar problem early in my growing career I battled however I only really noticed it during lights out (when my intake and out take fans were off). I finally figured out that my intake vent was passively exhausting when the fans were off so I installed 8" carbon filters on on both in and out - problem solved.

In my 5X5, I just run an exhaust fan w/scrubber 24/7. The airflow also keeps humidity equalized. (Dehumidifier is in the garage, not the tent.)
AND my scrubber kills the smell of my worm bin, which can be fairly strong.
I've met and known a few cops.

It goes both ways. I was let go when I should have went to jail. It stands to reason the possibility of going to jail when innocent also happens.

Its actually happened more than once. One time I was charged with a class b felony when it should have been a misdemeanor. I told the cop he couldn't do that and his answer was "I can do what I want, I'm the police."
i can vouch for asshole and protective cops from experience. same cop that arrested me, fucked with my little brother. my brothers car got broken into and vandalized and the same cop that arrested me showed up to my brothers call to make the report for insurance. he then detained my brother. said he thought my brother was lying about his name, gave him a fake id, because we have the same last name. we're fucking brothers. obviously, it worked itself out, but that cop (fuck you officer gonzalez!!!) chose to be complete dickhole for no reason. we all make decisions in life.

protective cop story. when i got arrested one of the cops that showed up knew me. his wife used to babysit me when i was in elementary school. he asked me some questions when i was in the car alone, and being a freaked out young kid i answered. those answers i gave should've fucked me more because i had more things at home. he didnt say anything, and to this day i still owe him a thank you.

i was charged with 2 felonies and some misdemeanors. plead to one F, and no contest to misdemeanors, and record was expunged after 2 year program.
keep it on the up and up guys, it aint worth it
i can vouch for asshole and protective cops from experience. same cop that arrested me, fucked with my little brother. my brothers car got broken into and vandalized and the same cop that arrested me showed up to my brothers call to make the report for insurance. he then detained my brother. said he thought my brother was lying about his name, gave him a fake id, because we have the same last name. we're fucking brothers. obviously, it worked itself out, but that cop (fuck you officer gonzalez!!!) chose to be complete dickhole for no reason. we all make decisions in life.

protective cop story. when i got arrested one of the cops that showed up knew me. his wife used to babysit me when i was in elementary school. he asked me some questions when i was in the car alone, and being a freaked out young kid i answered. those answers i gave should've fucked me more because i had more things at home. he didnt say anything, and to this day i still owe him a thank you.

i was charged with 2 felonies and some misdemeanors. plead to one F, and no contest to misdemeanors, and record was expunged after 2 year program.
keep it on the up and up guys, it aint worth it

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My garden is in Michigan in which I am fully compliant with state law with all regulations. I have a nosy neighbor who has been complaining about the smell of my plants going into his yard. He has been threatening to call law enforcement about the smell ( I respect his concern about the smell because if I did not like the smell I would want it gone as well) and I have taken many precautions to try to eliminate the smell. All exhaust is carbon filtered with the ONA gel put inside of it as extra measure. He is concerned about his kids smelling and becoming addicted to the smell as they grow older.

Now here's my concern.

1. I've never even seen these "kids" he has.
2. I recently went over and knocked on his door about 9pm to which I heard a vacuum pump going in his tri-level basement portion of his house. When he came outside to answer me if he smelled it or not he was suited up to the teeth with hazmat body suit. It was dark but I could see the indents around his mouth and nose of where a respirator was on.

Now for my questions

1. Do you think he's running some kind of lab with illegal substances and he is just threatening to call law enforcement because he doesn't want police near his spot ?
2. If the police show up to my door about a weed smell complaint what do they normally do/ask when they arrive (i.e. Can I just explain I'm a mmmp patient and they will leave)

I appreciate anyone's and all responses who is gone through having this same or similar scenario.

Thanks in advance hope to have this resolved without anything going awry.

I live next to a cattle ranch...and dog gone it...the cow shit smell eats at me everyday!!

I think you should buy 50 bags of steer manure and line the property line...that should relieve the sweet smell of of buds...
i try not to have anything in my car, i wear my seatbelt even though i hate them, i use my turn signals, i make sure nothing reeks outside of my house, and i have an ozone generator by the door i can kick on for a few seconds if someone comes calling to kill any odors close to the door. if you don't give them anything to use as a pretext, they tend to go away.
If you poured Ona gel OVER your carbon you destroyed it and need a new filter or a new carbon charge. ONA gel or any other smell masking agent competes with the odorant molecules from your plants for space on the carbon filter. So keep that out of the room you are running a carbon filter in.

Next you want your fan pulling and you want to reduce angles in your flow to reduce the pressure so the fan is most efficient. I have an 8" Max Can from an 8"x24" Phresh for a 8' x 11' room.
yes NEVER put onan anywhere near your plants unless you want the weed to smell and taste like onan ..
Neighbors can suck. But, it's best to keep them on your side if you can. Tell him you are taking steps to eliminate the smell, and ask him to call you right away if he smells something. Be nice, try to solve the problem. And document what you say somewhere. I don't mean record it, just write down notes and date them. Keep a log if he calls you.

About the only thing he can due is file a nuisance complaint. Don't know the laws where you live, so it may be different, but around here you can file a civil suit against a neighbor that perpetually bothers you (noise, smell, rodents, smoke, etc).

Making attempts to work things out helps your case. The cops are a completely different matter. Roll of the dice on that one. When they are looking around your grow room, they aren't there to help.
great answer dont fan the flames it never helps with neibors
Since you installed them in and out did that compromise your fans or did you upsize the filter so more exchange was allowed ?

Your original filter was not working, did it ever work? if so you need a new one, if not you need to pair your filter with your fan.

This is important because in an exhaust setting the air only passes through the filter one time so it is imperative that we remove as close to 100% of the contaminate as possible with that one chance. This requires that the contaminant have a certain time in contact with the carbon in order to be fully adsorbed. Our filters are marked with both exhaust and recirculating ratings for just this reason. If you are using this system to exhaust, DO NOT exceed the exhaust rating for the filter, the more this rating is exceeded the less contaminant will be adsorbed because the two will not have enough contact time for adsorption to fully take place.

Good luck.
Alright .... I was gonna keep this to myself .........

An old one eyed japanese indian once told me over a peace pipe ....

He said : " to release the " scents " of nature , you must release yourself "
Me : *wasn't really fuckin listening but said : " How can do this , you old fuck ? "

He Said : " the moon is powerful ..... * as he blew big fucking clouds

( note to self : pinch a corner off that hash ..... For the " road "

Anyways , i figured it out ... He meant moon like ass , so i parked me buns at the air inlet and blew a super ass trumpet cloud into fan.
No more weed odors floating around , No Nosy Fuckers looking for " That " House ,
No Cops , No Bugs !

Just the odor of Bean Dip and Beer , shit and methane ....
Everybody just smells a big fucking odor of Swamp Ass and NO PROBLEMS.

You could use liquid ass too ....

Here to help ...
Sorry im faded at the momentt
Since you installed them in and out did that compromise your fans or did you upsize the filter so more exchange was allowed ?

I was already using 8" ducting on 6" fans (Intake = inline / Outtake = squirrel cage) so not as restrictive as it could be.
As for air flow, yes, any filter in your ducting will restrict flow.