Neighbors porch lights.


Well-Known Member
Hi! I'm in San Francisco growing 2 plants outdoors in my back yard. One of my neighbors has a 2nd story porch with a god damn flood light on it. When the light is on it lights up a lot of my yard. I have trees that block the light in some areas and that is where my plants are. Will these lights cause my plants problems when they start budding? Hermie? I can move then inside and grow them under a sky light where i can protect them better from after sunset light. Or will I be okay with them outdoors.
The sky light works but doesnt get nearly as much direct sunlight and my yard does.

Tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
It can bother them if they are getting enough light. Can you move them in the evening to a more protected sight? I know that is a pain in the ass but better than a hermie or having them inside during the daytime. I move mine everyday from inside to outside and back inside at night, a pain but safe.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
chances are you'll be ok. i'm in a similar situation and my plants are flowering nicely. GL


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. The lights are about 35 feet away and on 20 ft higher than my plants. Moving them inside every night or putting a blanket over them at night wont really work since I get up late and plan on going on a few 2-3 day trips before harvest. I've thought about a BB gun but this lady will probably call the cops on me.
Both plants showed pistils today WOOOOOT! i was getting worried there for a minute. But one plant had 3 leaves(that i saw) with powdery mildew on it, =[. I don't know what to do!. The plants get pretty wet over night here with all this fog. I will start a thread in plant problems area.

thanks again
Steven Seagal


Well-Known Member
I can show you what happened to me. In the pics notice the very tops of the buds? They are all thin and leafy. They were growing single leafs and funky looking leafs. Those few colas that were in full light from streetlight and neighbors security light were 100% effected. In my case street light was 20 yards away and next door light was 15 feet away.

These pics are after I cut my netting down. Notice the football sized buds upside down? Then notice those tall colas with thin tops? You can also see right where the light line was. Follow the thin cola down. after about 10" or so the buds get fat again. That part was in the dark.

Pics tell lots of words. Check it out man.

