Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

i suspect that if you go all the way back to his first podcast/radio show, you can find DAYS worth of racist, sexist, hateful shit, and WEEKS of mis/disinformation...but who the fuck wants to listen to months of this fucking chimp kissing the ass of guests he's intimidated by, and haranguing anyone he doesn't agree anyone with any kind of education, or a clue...
i just can't understand who is following this pathetic ignorant asshole...his demographics say mostly males in the 18-30 bracket, about evenly divided between high school and college grads...figures, young stupid males with little to no empathy, still full of hormones and stupidity, still mostly indoctrinated in locker room humor and short, exactly who shouldn't be listening to anyone like fucking rogan
Don’t blame Rob Ford, he’s dead. ;)

Somebody posted a picture of Doug ford, and it reminded me you guys had a crack smoking mayor, those guys look a lot alike, I laughed a bunch they were the crack mayor was so popular his non crackhead brother rode his coattails into office. And they probably both are a ton of fun, reminded me of Chris Farley, would try and get them to wear sports coats that are too small.