NeL's guerilla grow 2010

Hey Nel I read Your whole thread and you have another follower Hope its not a insult for a newbi to post on your thread no disrespect to you if affened But if you dont mind i have a few qustions
I all ready have 20 seedlings from mix of all seeds i collected 3 weeks old, growing in soil, with 3 parts scotts soil i part worm castings, all looking great 24hr fluroesents light cycle
i never grew outdoors and i am in east coast i was wondering when to put outdoors its still raining like 3 or more times a week
and do i cut light off at all or leave on til they move outside
i have 10 bags of scotts soil and 10 pounds of worm casting not the best soil but its better than whats in my woods
plan on only getting 10 healthy plants out of 20 hopefully when i take out males a never count out bugs and deer
I have some extra dough so what nutrients should i buy I use HTG supply .com Thankx for you Expert advice
Hey Nel I read Your whole thread and you have another follower Hope its not a insult for a newbi to post on your thread no disrespect to you if affened But if you dont mind i have a few qustions
I all ready have 20 seedlings from mix of all seeds i collected 3 weeks old, growing in soil, with 3 parts scotts soil i part worm castings, all looking great 24hr fluroesents light cycle
i never grew outdoors and i am in east coast i was wondering when to put outdoors its still raining like 3 or more times a week
and do i cut light off at all or leave on til they move outside
i have 10 bags of scotts soil and 10 pounds of worm casting not the best soil but its better than whats in my woods
plan on only getting 10 healthy plants out of 20 hopefully when i take out males a never count out bugs and deer
I have some extra dough so what nutrients should i buy I use HTG supply .com Thankx for you Expert advice

hey livegreen86, dude everyone loves everyone on roll it up haha no worries, i'm sure he won't be offended

i think i can answer some of your questions (probably not as good as NeL, but still)

You can put your plants outside whenever you want really, but its really a matter of how well they will deal with the transition of going from inside to outside. First thing is how strong and prepared they are physically, I'd say you want to send them outside once they are about 12 in. or so. They need ot be able to withstand the trials and tribulations of nature haha.

Second thing is getting them ready for the sunlight outside. If you look at other threads, people will warn against going from a 24 hr light cycles to the great outdoors light cycle. So, what i've heard is to just adjust the light cycle a bit before you put them out there, maybe 18/6, also giving them some face time outside just for a few hours a day is good (if thats possible).

For nutrients, I like natural sh!t, so I'm trying just compost, and vermiculite. I'd look into getting some vermiculite.

Hope this helped, NeL will probably know more though haha

(Are you in New England? Thats where I am, for reference)
Sup Mr Nell,
I got a quick question for you.
How to do you deter the rodents?

Ive lost about 10 transplantans as soon as i put em out an am getting discouraged. Ive used cages made of chicken wrire above an below ground, soap, mothballs, rat poison, fox urine, putrid egg deer/ rabit dererent spray,piss , shit, cat shit an litter,dog shit nothing worked....

Any help or advice a ninja like you could give would be appreciated.


Chicken wire sucks. The gaps in it are too big. Rodents can squeeze through really tiny holes that you wouldn't think. Use 1/4th inch hardware cloth and theres no way they'll squeeze through it. Hopefully they wont just dig under it though.
Sup Mr Nell,
I got a quick question for you.
How to do you deter the rodents?

Ive lost about 10 transplantans as soon as i put em out an am getting discouraged. Ive used cages made of chicken wrire above an below ground, soap, mothballs, rat poison, fox urine, putrid egg deer/ rabit dererent spray,piss , shit, cat shit an litter,dog shit nothing worked....

Any help or advice a ninja like you could give would be appreciated.


Only thing that has worked for me in the past is a type of trap, looks like a mini bear trap. Here's a link

Mine are the same exept really old. I haven't had to use them for years, the spots I have just don't have problems. Moth balls and Irish spring soap works great for Deer, Bear and bigger animals. For rodents you need these little traps.
Hey Nel I read Your whole thread and you have another follower Hope its not a insult for a newbi to post on your thread no disrespect to you if affened But if you dont mind i have a few qustions
I all ready have 20 seedlings from mix of all seeds i collected 3 weeks old, growing in soil, with 3 parts scotts soil i part worm castings, all looking great 24hr fluroesents light cycle
i never grew outdoors and i am in east coast i was wondering when to put outdoors its still raining like 3 or more times a week
and do i cut light off at all or leave on til they move outside
i have 10 bags of scotts soil and 10 pounds of worm casting not the best soil but its better than whats in my woods
plan on only getting 10 healthy plants out of 20 hopefully when i take out males a never count out bugs and deer
I have some extra dough so what nutrients should i buy I use HTG supply .com Thankx for you Expert advice

I would cut the light back slowly to at least 18/6 and even better 16/8 so they don't start flowering when they go outside. I put my first wave out may 7th. It was in the 30's every night here for a week, not reccomended for seedlings. You should be fine to put them out whenever your ready. As for the nutes, you could use anything really. I just like my FF for outside as I have used it for years. Just be careful with the nutes if your Scotts soil has time release nutes in it. Just watch the plants and feed as needed. Hope tis helps and don't be shy to ask any questions. Everyone starts out somewhere and best of luck to you this season.

Here's a pic of my first guerilla grow

hey livegreen86, dude everyone loves everyone on roll it up haha no worries, i'm sure he won't be offended

i think i can answer some of your questions (probably not as good as NeL, but still)

You can put your plants outside whenever you want really, but its really a matter of how well they will deal with the transition of going from inside to outside. First thing is how strong and prepared they are physically, I'd say you want to send them outside once they are about 12 in. or so. They need ot be able to withstand the trials and tribulations of nature haha.

Second thing is getting them ready for the sunlight outside. If you look at other threads, people will warn against going from a 24 hr light cycles to the great outdoors light cycle. So, what i've heard is to just adjust the light cycle a bit before you put them out there, maybe 18/6, also giving them some face time outside just for a few hours a day is good (if thats possible).

For nutrients, I like natural sh!t, so I'm trying just compost, and vermiculite. I'd look into getting some vermiculite.

Hope this helped, NeL will probably know more though haha

(Are you in New England? Thats where I am, for reference)

I also like to have them at least a ft tall so they can handle some nibbling form bugs and animals if it happens. Also seedlings are very easily wiped out by slugs. I'm also in New England, just south of Cow Hampshire.
Hey my green team I did get them out today four 4 hours of direct sun rest was partly shaded
had day off!
I took a trip to garden to check up on moms flowers to day and found two id say 5 leaved 6inchers right there were i always throw seeds in the flower bed Hell yeah
so i took a trip to were i plan on putting 75% of plants and let me tell you i found a better spot because trail to get to part of woods i was going was flooded Bad soo.... I stumble threw a gaint thorn wall an the other side was a small patch of open green grass 1-2 feet tall with other types of moss and real green area so i got to work i dug two 2ft holes with small garden shovel took forever and put the two plants from flower bed (carried in MCDONALD large cup pretty tit fit not to much stress and planted with 1/4 worm casting,small amount of bat guano,1/2 scott primeum soil and half from hole i dug just to see what happens before I do more work

sorry for mile long reply but nel or who wants to help the qustions is that if there is all this moss and green grass an green surrondins soil must be good wright
i know holly trees,and rhodudrends bushes and pines love acid soil and theres none around so do you think it sounds great no money for ph tester yet thankx
how big does your plants get northeastern lights and about how much do you get in yield per plant. my plants are going on week 13 and i still have 5 months how much do you think i will yield per plant.
how big does your plants get northeastern lights and about how much do you get in yield per plant. my plants are going on week 13 and i still have 5 months how much do you think i will yield per plant.

Well it's difierent every season. Depends on which strain I grow and the season. Normally I average a lb per plant roughly. I've grown ten ft plants that yeiled a lb and 6 footers that topped almost over 2lbs. Now take in to account thats after all my loses with mold, rot, mother nature and such. I can't begin to comment on yours only because I don't know your level as a grower, strain, and such. I do hope the best for you and everyone braving the outdoors in 2010. What I can tell you is that you take out what you put in. Half ass grows results in half ass harvests. Not to say there isn't the occational miracle but you reap what you sow, you know? And to save on typing just call me NeL.
Last season I only watered about 10 or so times. I do liquid feed every week. With the size holes I do I feed 4 gallons per hole every week. Usually sunday because it fits my schedule. Any questions don't hestitate to ask. I'd be happy to help anybody that needs it.
dude NeL you're plot is so perfect. i finally got my 2 NL plants out to my spot yesterday! they are younger than i would have liked(13 days) but im on vacation next week and could not leave them inside. they are starting their 4th node and healthy so i hope they make it. gonna be a long week haha.
Hey Nel whats going on I was wondering if i can ask another Question
I really dont think that the rocket launcher is for the helicopter so Do You Ever worring about them flying over and Being found or caught ?
Thankx Livve =green86