NeL's guerilla grow 2010 nice of a grow not to watch!!! got a ? tho nel...thot i heard ya say in the video that you are going to use bug spray on your plants....did i hear that right?? what kind do ya use?? or recommend??
Hey NeL quick question. Make a long story short, I bought some Ortho Ecosense 3-in1 rose and flower care because I noticed my plant are becoming very popular with the insect community. No damage yet, but wanted to take care if it before it turns into a problem. They had a couple other formulas, but I decided on this one because it contained both sulfur and pyrethrins. Ortho says it is "eco friendly" and is safe for roses, fruits, vegetables, and all flowering plants. Oh, and besides bugs, they say it prevents mold. Ever use this stuff or anything similar? What do you use?

I prefer Safer 3 in 1. But yours probably is the same thing. I spray once a week or once every few weeks depending. I spray right when they go out just as a preventative measure.
The life of a Guerilla.

Well let me tell you, I have so much going on it's sick. I work 50-60 hrs mon-fri. Do side work and work on my own shit on the weekends, full time grower and full time family man. There just isn't enough hours in the day. I just have no simpathy for anyone when they think it's too much work to dig holes or do this or that thing. Fuck man I don't even have time to sleep. nice of a grow not to watch!!! got a ? tho nel...thot i heard ya say in the video that you are going to use bug spray on your plants....did i hear that right?? what kind do ya use?? or recommend??

I prefer Safer 3 in 1 but this season I'm using this stuff. The local grow shop couldn't get the safer 3 in 1 in concentrate and has a hard time keeping this stuff on the shelf. So fuck it I'm giving it a shot. Works great so far. Use half the reccomended dosage and you'll be fine.

I had good results w/ the spinosad last summer. My six ft'r water mocassin cottonmouth is still at his/our water hole. I think he's gettin' used to me.
Well let me tell you, I have so much going on it's sick. I work 50-60 hrs mon-fri. Do side work and work on my own shit on the weekends, full time grower and full time family man. There just isn't enough hours in the day. I just have no simpathy for anyone when they think it's too much work to dig holes or do this or that thing. Fuck man I don't even have time to sleep.

Didn't mean to offend with that statement. In fact that's pretty much exactly what I was hinting at. I happen to love the physical activity, diggin' holes makes you 'strong like ox'. But I can't call myself a hard-working family man, I'm young and fucked up my path a little too much in a very hard economical time. You, sir, deserve the utmost respect for your efforts on and off the growing field.
Hey Nel, I have a question for you. I have 20 seedlings of various strains that have all developed dark red stems. I haven't given them anything except distilled water and they are growing in coir seed starting medium under 4 26 watt cfl's. Have you ever experienced this? Is it a problem? Sorry about the quality of the pic but my camera was stolen and this is a webcam shot. Thanks man...
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lol sorry for that but i sub'd NEL. im growing for the firsst time and hope to see this years yield . best of luck . do you have any helicopter surveilance around there?
Nel, can you get that Safer 3in 1 stuff at a local home depot? and if not what do you recomend i get, thats safe for my plants and good at keeping bugs away? and how often do i apply it?
Didn't mean to offend with that statement. In fact that's pretty much exactly what I was hinting at. I happen to love the physical activity, diggin' holes makes you 'strong like ox'. But I can't call myself a hard-working family man, I'm young and fucked up my path a little too much in a very hard economical time. You, sir, deserve the utmost respect for your efforts on and off the growing field.

You didn't offend me bro, so no worries. I'm just trying to project how much work goes in to this. I'm sorry if I came off rude or mad, because that's not the case.
Nel, can you get that Safer 3in 1 stuff at a local home depot? and if not what do you recomend i get, thats safe for my plants and good at keeping bugs away? and how often do i apply it?

I pretty sure HD doesn't carry it. But I'm sure they have something very similar. Just use half strength of whatever the reccomened dosege is and work it up from there. Anything that say OMRI is pretty good.
What do you do about white flies? I have been taking the plants and stroking them up wards and spraying them with water. It's been working good. I'm going to try the mothball method. I have used this Nitria from Bayer it's something i got at Lowes. It says it's good to up to the day of but it's not talking about Ganja! I used it for a couple of weeks and I think the pH is to acidiac and started turning my leaves of my tomatoes and herps yellow. Do not use this product!
Just finished reading the entire thread and I am buckled up for the ride!! Nel, you the shit dawg! I am an indoor grower but I am sure I will learn SOME things here....+rep

Thread with bunch of dog shitting avatars is deff memorable