you brought up the best point.
rights stop where the rights of others begin, a person's right to swing their fist ends at my face.
and while the sentiment of white separatism may not seem to cause obvious harm, that sentiment is deceiving.
white separatism is nothing but the kinder, gentler version of white supremacy. one does not wish to stop associating with someone unless they find that person abhorrent quite generally, so to stop associating with an entire race indiscriminately carries a certain ugly connotation to it.
and we saw the harm caused in this very nation not but 50 years ago when one race would exclude the other simply on basis of skin color. that is exactly why we have civil rights laws, and said laws are constitutional.*
another example of a prominent white separatist would be david duke, former grand wizard of the KKK.
i started this thread because i have noticed a recent influx of members who seem to share these white pride/separatism/nationalism/supremacy ideas, as well as several more that preach holocaust denial, which is another offshoot of neo-nazism. i do regret making this attack thread, but i just really do not like seeing this tripe and want to call it for what it is.