Well-Known Member
if i repeat something, it is because it bears repeating.
white nationalism and white separatism are just dressed up white supremacy. you cited religion, culture, language, hobbies as reasons for the separating. seriously, hobbies?
you are not fooling anyone.
combine your dressed up form of white supremacy with the desire to wipe israel off the map and we have the philosophical core of any neo-nazi.
yeah, you just wish to separate from a race entirely based on hobbies. makes perfect fucking sense.
you're not fooling anyone.
There you go again putting words in my mouth.
My point had nothing to do with race; do not D&D fans (for lack of a better example, no offense to D&Ders) separate themselves a little bit by grouping up with other D&D fans? Don't hippie communes and religious compounds exist? People group with people that they have things in common with. It is more about being with like minded people than it is about not being with others; that is just an unintended consequence.
I've already replied to the Israel thing. It is a matter of "public record" now. Move on!
You're just making ad hominem arguments... give me something real to devour.
"yeah, you just wish to separate from a race entirely based on hobbies." Nice! A strawman of a strawman.... kinda. No one will be able to see how weak your assertion is... You're not fooling anyone either.