Q Did Jewish folk really get made into bars of soap and lampshades during WWII ?
You dirty rotten instigator!Q Did Jewish folk really get made into bars of soap and lamp-shades during WWII ?
No. It was one or the other. Incompatible processes. cn
Hmm are you suggesting a jew can't be cut into pieces, some parts of the jew would become lampshades , others would be bars of soap
im guessing nazis had access to knives and other cutting implements
maybe you only know very tiny jews ?
They don't count. More goyim.How many Russians died during WWII
more or less than 6 million ?
Jewettes.......show some respect.
I thought it was better than "tiny jews". Would you rather eat tiny chocolate covered raisins or raisinettes? See what I did there? I made it sound a bit more classy.I think that remark could be classed as anti semitic , you should be careful the anti defamation league could be watching
I love juice. I don't know what you're all upset about.such a lovely conversation about slicing up jews, yet the white supremacists blow their lids when abandon asks for videos of white supremacists getting their asses handed to them.
yes, neo-nazism is alive and well on rollitup.
I love juice. I don't know what you're all upset about.
Thank goodness because we all know how much you like work...I'll pull the weight for ya Uncle Buck.you think i'm upset that you're outing yourself for the neo-nazi, skinhead douchebag that you are?
you're actually saving me a ton of work.
Q Did Jewish folk really get made into bars of soap and lamp-shades during WWII ?
WTF man. I'm far to stoned right now you might have to help me out.sorry dude i am not feeling it, you are making the tiny jew sound somewhat feminine with your "jewette" term
have another go, i think you could do better
Thank goodness because we all know how much you like work...I'll pull the weight for ya Uncle Buck.
WTF man. I'm far to stoned right now you might have to help me out.
LMAO!! ok you win...You lazy little nazi
ok what about these
^^ inspired by soft drink marketing
mini-jew .. inspired by the movie , you get it
all of witch are better than jewette imo
Thank goodness because we all know how much you like work...I'll pull the weight for ya Uncle Buck.