Neoliberal Economics is DEAD


Well-Known Member
So are you saying that neoclassical economics somehow means neoliberal? Because neoclassical economics is just a system of mathematical equations that explain supply-side economics, generally championed by a small number of elite universities because of the mathematical rigor that goes into setting up the model. Mathematical rigor that makes it difficult to use real world data to back up what they would expect.

Mostly you will find that the other schools of thought are used for guiding and evaluating the economy that is mostly build from the old keynsian system of equations. These are the ones that get called 'liberal' and have nothing to do with the article you posted.

Ill read the other 7 pages later, just realized that they were there.


Well-Known Member
Who cares how the US Govt was cajoled/coerced into engaging in this stunningly bad policy?
At this point, what does it matter?
The damage has been done.

Otherwise the two operative words are cronyism and entropy.
The dynamic duo.
First, I CARE.

Second, it matters because without addressing the cause, merely treating the symptoms won't solve the problem.

Third, it's a construct of Man- there's nothing irreversible and therefore the damage can be mitigated and stopped- even to an extent reversed.

Your attitude is exactly the one they want to see; self effacing helplessness.

How is that attitude going to get anywhere productive?


Well-Known Member
First, I CARE.

Second, it matters because without addressing the cause, merely treating the symptoms won't solve the problem.

Third, it's a construct of Man- there's nothing irreversible and therefore the damage can be mitigated and stopped- even to an extent reversed.

Your attitude is exactly the one they want to see; self effacing helplessness.

How is that attitude going to get anywhere productive?
The damage has been mitigated and stopped? Reversed?
News to me. Surely you jest.

I want to throw all of these elected bums out of office, that is the only solution.
And methinks it may be too late.

Cronyism and entropy.


Well-Known Member
So are you saying that neoclassical economics somehow means neoliberal? Because neoclassical economics is just a system of mathematical equations that explain supply-side economics, generally championed by a small number of elite universities because of the mathematical rigor that goes into setting up the model. Mathematical rigor that makes it difficult to use real world data to back up what they would expect.

Mostly you will find that the other schools of thought are used for guiding and evaluating the economy that is mostly build from the old keynsian system of equations. These are the ones that get called 'liberal' and have nothing to do with the article you posted.

Ill read the other 7 pages later, just realized that they were there.
Neoliberal economics; yes, read the other seven pages and the Wikipedia definition while you're at it.

It's got nothing to do with liberal political views, but until you understand the definition of terms used, no discussion can be productive. We need to be referring to the same concepts when we use terms, otherwise understanding and progress are impossible.


Well-Known Member
The damage has been mitigated and stopped? Reversed?
News to me. Surely you jest.

I want to throw all of these elected bums out of office, that is the only solution.
And methinks it may be too late.

Cronyism and entropy.
The only way to throw the bums out is to change the system, which is how things got this way to begin with.

The system is awash in money and therefore totally corrupt, unless of course you have lots of money, in which case your power to influence things is out if all proportion to the democratic ideal of one person, one vote.

This can be changed, and blathering about cronyism and entropy is both unhelpful and simply silly.


Well-Known Member
The only way to throw the bums out is to change the system, which is how things got this way to begin with.

The system is awash in money and therefore totally corrupt, unless of course you have lots of money, in which case your power to influence things is out if all proportion to the democratic ideal of one person, one vote.

This can be changed, and blathering about cronyism and entropy is both unhelpful and simply silly.
If this can be changed...of course the system is awash in money, how is this to be fixed?
What change do you endorse?


Well-Known Member
If this can be changed...of course the system is awash in money, how is this to be fixed?
What change do you endorse?
I propose that no entity save a living, breathing registered voter can donate money to a campaign or candidate, and that no registered voter may spend more than $100 on campaigns or candidates in total in any election cycle.


It's simple, and it's draconian by comparison to the million loophole 'system' we have now. It's also completely clear and transparent.

These are of course all reasons why the current politician leaders and their donors will hate it AND try their best to discredit, weaken and overturn it.

This is why it needs to be a constitutional amendment.

If our current political system won't allow its passage, We the People must demand a Constitutional Convention.

Clear enough?


Well-Known Member
I propose that no entity save a living, breathing registered voter can donate money to a campaign or candidate, and that no registered voter may spend more than $100 on campaigns or candidates in total in any election cycle.


It's simple, and it's draconian by comparison to the million loophole 'system' we have now. It's also completely clear and transparent.

These are of course all reasons why the current politician leaders and their donors will hate it AND try their best to discredit, weaken and overturn it.

This is why it needs to be a constitutional amendment.

If our current political system won't allow its passage, We the People must demand a Constitutional Convention.

Clear enough?
The amount of money is staggering but transparency of the money may be as big or bigger issue.

Soros/Koch give 100 Million
1Billion Chinese give a dollar donation through a website


Well-Known Member
The amount of money is staggering but transparency of the money may be as big or bigger issue.

Soros/Koch give 100 Million
1Billion Chinese give a dollar donation through a website
Didn't he address that by saying "no registered voter may spend more than $100 on campaigns or candidates in total in any election cycle."?