Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

This is your idea of a rebuttal?

You should join Stormfront; you sure know a lot about them.
That picture that they took of you after you were busted for pimping the woman you abused and was posted in the newspaper.

Your chin is buried in a glibbery mass of fat. I was wondering why you bothered with the ugly facial hair then realized you did it so that your face isn't mistaken for a vagina with eyes.

That's the image you projected when you posted this shitty stupid comment.
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Oh look, here's an article that disputes what Tty is saying about the Democrats. I guess the NYT is on Trump's side or they would never dispute what Tty says. Tty claims that the Democrats have become further right than the Republicans of a couple decades ago. If so, then this must have happened all across the world. According to The Manifesto Project which analyzes different party's platforms without fouling their screen with spittle or consulting a single Jimmy Dore yootube video, the Republican Party has swung waaaaay out right compared to other civilized countries while the Democrats have stayed about in the middle of the left of center spectrum.

Read the article. Look at the graphic.

What Happened to America’s Political Center of Gravity?

The Republican Party leans much farther right than most traditional conservative parties in Western Europe and Canada, according to an analysis of their election manifestos. It is more extreme than Britain’s Independence Party and France’s National Rally (formerly the National Front), which some consider far-right populist parties. The Democratic Party, in contrast, is positioned closer to mainstream liberal parties.

These findings are based on data from the Manifesto Project, which reviews and categorizes each line in party manifestos, the documents that lay out a group’s goals and policy ideas. We used the topics that the platforms emphasize, like market regulation and multiculturalism, to put them on a common scale.

Oh look, here's an article that disputes what Tty is saying about the Democrats. I guess the NYT is on Trump's side or they would never dispute what Tty says. Tty claims that the Democrats have become further right than the Republicans of a couple decades ago. If so, then this must have happened all across the world. According to The Manifesto Project which analyzes different party's platforms without fouling their screen with spittle or consulting a single Jimmy Dore yootube video, the Republican Party has swung waaaaay out right compared to other civilized countries while the Democrats have stayed about in the middle of the left of center spectrum.

Read the article. Look at the graphic.

What Happened to America’s Political Center of Gravity?

The Republican Party leans much farther right than most traditional conservative parties in Western Europe and Canada, according to an analysis of their election manifestos. It is more extreme than Britain’s Independence Party and France’s National Rally (formerly the National Front), which some consider far-right populist parties. The Democratic Party, in contrast, is positioned closer to mainstream liberal parties.

These findings are based on data from the Manifesto Project, which reviews and categorizes each line in party manifestos, the documents that lay out a group’s goals and policy ideas. We used the topics that the platforms emphasize, like market regulation and multiculturalism, to put them on a common scale.
The Manifesto Project --

The Manifesto Project analyses parties’ election manifestos in order to study parties’ policy preferences. Since October 2009, the Manifesto Project has been financed by a long-term funding grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG) as MARPOR (Manifesto Research on Political Representation). MARPOR continues the work of the Manifesto Research Group (MRG 1979-1989) and the Comparative Manifestos Project (CMP 1989-2009). In 2003, the project received the American Political Science Association’s (APSA) award for the best dataset in comparative politics.

-- sounds like corporatist Democrats. You should listen to tty, his sources come directly from Russia and so are much more reliable than the rich elitist news media in the US. I'm shocked you would cite the NY Times over moonofalabama.

Shocked, I say.
The Manifesto Project --

The Manifesto Project analyses parties’ election manifestos in order to study parties’ policy preferences. Since October 2009, the Manifesto Project has been financed by a long-term funding grant from the German Science Foundation (DFG) as MARPOR (Manifesto Research on Political Representation). MARPOR continues the work of the Manifesto Research Group (MRG 1979-1989) and the Comparative Manifestos Project (CMP 1989-2009). In 2003, the project received the American Political Science Association’s (APSA) award for the best dataset in comparative politics.

-- sounds like corporatist Democrats. You should listen to tty, HE KEEPS TELLING US!!! his sources come directly from Russia and so are much more reliable than the rich elitist news media in the US. I'm shocked you would cite the NY Times over moonofalabama.

Shocked, I say.
I knew that when there wasn't a single reference to the Carter Foundation or Caitlyn Johnstone on their website.

Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet and the rest of the planet is well aware of this fact. As usual, it's the Americans who live in denial;