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Active Member
Ok, sorry if I sound like a dick. But dude SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Honestly if you were in the navy, I would think that they would teach you some correct grammar.
By the way its liar not lier, and its THAT not "dat." Maybe some people would take you seriously if you did not sound like a complete retard.
Man i'm sorry if you don't understand what i am saying, because of the correct use of grammar and punctuation. But maybe you should go back
to middle school and get some intelligence. Your plant looks fine, but it does have a def. I'm sorry to say. And no i do not own this plant, take care of it, check the ppms or any of that. But i would be doing a hell of a lot better at it then you and your friend. It looks like it has a def. and you will not take any advie we have to offer you, here at RIU. I am sorry man but learn how to speak some English correctly. Then by all means we will take you seriously.

But in words you may understand..."U dont no shit bout growing pot, need to get better at dat. so git sum colt 45 nd you in homie can keep doin wat u doin aight nigg."
P.s. The navy and all elements of the army are a joke. I do think that America s fucking retarded when it comes to the war. Or half the other laws they have here. We should not be in a war that is as dumb as this one. Sorry but it is pointless. And if this offends any other fellow RIU members i do apologize but it is just the way I feel.


Active Member
One last thing than I will wait to see how this turns out. Yes the plant is yellow. However, if this is not a nute defeciency than it means that there is something wrong with the way the plant photosythesizes.


"organisms convert CO2 (carbon dioxide) to organic material by reducing this gas to carbohydrates in a rather complex set of reactions. Electrons for this reduction reaction ultimately come from water, which is then converted to oxygen and protons. Energy for this process is provided by light, which is absorbed by pigments (primarily chlorophylls and carotenoids). Chlorophylls absorb blue and red light and carotenoids absorb blue-green light (Figure 2), but green and yellow light are not effectively absorbed by photosynthetic pigments in plants; therefore, light of these colors is either reflected by leaves or passes through the leaves. This is why plants are green.":peace:

Either way, your plant looks cool, but, I would rather have a plant thats biological processes are all functioning properly. If your plant is not processing light properly, which it is not, then i would be concerned that you may be wasting your time. But whatever, botanists are always wrong anyway. (sarcasm)


Well-Known Member
the way i speak on the internet does not in ANY way define who i AM, and the use of improper grammer does not justify your very RUDE comment, dont know who rained on your parade but sorry for what ever i may have done to light the FIRE!!!seriously didnt know that proper use of grammer was such a BIG conserns to others,was just shortning my words so i didnt have to type the whole thing, didnt know it would get this kinda reaction.Although i dont think its that serious i will however take your OPINION to consideration.

PS ....................................*/*.....never mind


Active Member
the way i speak on the internet does not in ANY way define who i AM, and the use of improper grammer does not justify your very RUDE comment, dont know who rained on your parade but sorry for what ever i may have done to light the FIRE!!!seriously didnt know that proper use of grammer was such a BIG conserns to others,was just shortning my words so i didnt have to type the whole thing, didnt know it would get this kinda reaction.Although i dont think its that serious i will however take your OPINION to consideration.

PS ....................................*/*.....never mind

I is supposed to be capital when it stands alone, grammar is spelled with and a not an e. Concern has no s in it, and do you mean to say into consideration? Shortening your words, shortning is not a word. Also after a period there is a space. Ypu should only have one exclamation point not two, that is just pointless and annoying. But hey you are getting better, I knew you had it in you! :mrgreen:


Active Member
I is supposed to be capital when it stands alone, grammar is spelled with and a not an e. Concern has no s in it, and do you mean to say into consideration? Shortening your words, shortning is not a word. Also after a period there is a space. Ypu should only have one exclamation point not two, that is just pointless and annoying. But hey you are getting better, I knew you had it in you! :mrgreen:
You is spelled Y-O-U. lmao j/k man.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Most didn't doubt you until you said you were going to post pics but it took forever.

But hey, I HAVE AN INVISIBLE CAR!!!!! Ive got pics to prove it. ITS PIMPED OUT TOO.
hay idlehands80 what year is that...?...looks claen not a spot on it!!!!!



Active Member
i dont know about neon green but it might just be internet/camera issue... This thread has given me ALOT of entertainment... these wacky comments and interesting views and when that guy translated for the post, i was crying in laughter :)

Nice plant, not sure about those clones though, they look alittle big to of stripped off that small poor plant but oh well i hope that gives you some nice smoke :D


Well-Known Member
Weed smokers are a really funny bunch (especially growers.) Ah well, I guess we got to be.

As for the plant, perhaps it is just a characteristic of its genes, but I sure do prefer looking at nice lush dark green plants (I don't mind Lime green bud though - but that's different)
I grew OG kush plants that had like a kind of lime/neon charecter through them. This was on new growth, and the plants eventually went dark..I have also seen this happening on other plants on RIU. But all the plants had this characteristic, not just one. Hope you can keep us posted. I threw a pic up (sorry, old camera phone pic), not yellow like your one, but you can see the lime colour on the outer edges...

Peace and good luck with it. DST



Well-Known Member
thats REALLY BRIGHT.. but dont know if there the same color,,,,,,,,,,,,,thats a bad ass FLOWER ROOM!!!!!!!!111damn didnt know there were so many haters on this forum,seriously not gonna defend myself against those SHIT talkers...........BET yall have breath that can stop a RHINO in its track.......stop hating START participating......................and theres no need for all this HATE...................seriously ,,,every1 was saying that there was no such plant, then after the proof in the pudding haters still hating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
thats REALLY BRIGHT.. but dont know if there the same color,,,,,,,,,,,,,thats a bad ass FLOWER ROOM!!!!!!!!111damn didnt know there were so many haters on this forum,seriously not gonna defend myself against those SHIT talkers...........BET yall have breath that can stop a RHINO in its track.......stop hating START participating......................and theres no need for all this HATE...................seriously ,,,every1 was saying that there was no such plant, then after the proof in the pudding haters still hating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
no one here has hated but you.

that plant is NOT well.



Well-Known Member
OKAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!fdd you know damn well ive been holding on my lips shut to ALOT of people who have nothing better to do then to belittle others to make them self feel better..................

started this thread to show something diff...............instead when it took a lil long every one said i was FIBBIN and started to rip a NEW asshole til i provided some truth to it, then after i provided that then start talking more mess.....................didnt think it become a Fucking face RAPE yo...........peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
Let me translate for you.............
gotta say i was tinkz uz was whistlin dixi too
I believe that you are not being honest with the community.
but if dis be fo realz den mer per to ya
On the other hand, if you are being forthright, then you deserve our respect and admiration.
if you really got a nern yeller whippy snappa den uz Slicker than a harpooned hippo on a banana tree
If you are really in possession of a yellow cannabis plant than you are really a blessed individual.
some people on here would prolly still bitch if you hung them wid a new rope so dont worry about it.
Some people are just difficult to please, if this is the case then you should not concern yourself with them.
some couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a bass fiddle, some deez critterz bowed up like a Halloween Cat
Some people do not have the right to judge because they are no better than you, they are just defensive because you have a neon yellow cannabis plant.
but all the while day think day ridin' a gravy train on biscuit wheels
They judge you because they think they are better than you.
but if u for realz tho about dat nern yeller spud then thats Slicker than two eels fuckin’ in a bucket of snot
However, if you honestly have a neon cannabis plant, than you are someone we should all admire and model our lives after.
but like i said some folks are just[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] colder than a nun's cunt on a ski slope[/FONT]
But again, some people just like being difficult and causing issues.
but never forget If it has tires or testicles it's gonna give you trouble
But don't forget, keeping a female cannabis plant in your vehicle may cause stress to the plant and turn it hermie, thus growing male flowers and pollenating the plant.
but at the same time, just because your cat had her kittens in the oven doesn't make them muffins
This I disagree with, preheat oven to 475, coat cat in egg, sugar and flour. Duct tape to muffin pan. Viola, muffins. Straight from the Korean Kitty Kookbook.

Hope this helps.

I love it!


Well-Known Member
OKAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!fdd you know damn well ive been holding on my lips shut to ALOT of people who have nothing better to do then to belittle others to make them self feel better..................

started this thread to show something diff...............instead when it took a lil long every one said i was FIBBIN and started to rip a NEW asshole til i provided some truth to it, then after i provided that then start talking more mess.....................didnt think it become a Fucking face RAPE yo...........peace out!!!!!!!!!!!!1
You came off the wrong way when you started the thread, you carried on makin up a story then to produce pics that were not even close looking to the title. You got people excited for something they see everyday just about. And you didn't provide some truth thats not what you described lol Your just makin excuses now, you want a pity party or something?
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