Neowls Newbie Grow - Seedsman Nemesis Indoors


I'm not in America, so that was more or less useless XD.

The plant is in a 3' cupboard, with a small drawer at the top (I'll be hacking the bottom of that up to put in the exhaust fan).

Just checked the plant before it goes into its dark cycle, and the cotelydons have near enough fully opened up, and there is definite signs of the first true leaves growing.


Sorry to double post, but I'm seeking some advice regarding my bulb purchase this week. my growspace is 2x1 foot with 3 foot height, I'm thinking of going for a 150w HPS bulb. Is this suitable for the area? I've been looking through CFL options as well, and dual spectrum lighting caught my attention. Any advice??


Here's this mornings progress. I must admit, this little one seems to be doing a LOT better than my previous efforts.

As for my dilemma regarding lights, I have my mind set on buying a blue spectrum 125w CFL tomorrow, as that should be adequate enough for my grow area, and I'll be investing in a red spectrum one for flowering.


Okay so Day 3 from breaking the soil:

You can also see a new seedling that has broken the soil today. I planted that one a couple of days after the Nemesis seed; I have no idea what strain it is, only that it is a bagseed.


thanks man. Hopefully the new light I ordered last night will arrive within the next couple of days, somehow I don't think a 60w Vivarium lamp will cut it for much longer.

Edit: Just had an email through, detailing the shipping of my new light, it's been sent out and should be arriving sometime tomorrow by DHL Express. Good times!


The 125w CFL arrived today, and WOW. I had no idea how bright these get. Lovely.

Bodged a little setup in the existing growspace making the light as close as possible to the babies, and they both seem to be loving it. Will post update pics a little later.


3 More Pics, Day 5 midday

Leaves on the first plant have gotten considerably bigger than they were yesterday.

The newer seedling has pushed it's shell of, and is now showing off fully open cotelydons and new, true leaves.


Well-Known Member
might want to think of transplanting that smaller you have more then one seed in a pot they will start crossing roots...making them both root bound...and if one turns a make..ou wont be able to properly remove it from the females without leaving its roots behind...which will hurt the remaining plant


Here's a couple of pics of todays progress. Haven't given to bagseed a name yet, but Nemesis is simply going to be called Nemi from now on (given that it's female of course).

Nemis new leaves seem to be growing pretty well, and she's starting to get quite big for her age (6 days from breaking soil).

The bagseed appears to be doing rather well as well. I will be transplanting it into its own pot very soon, as I don't want any harm to come to either of these two.



New week, new pics!
Nemi is growing bigger by the day, it's a real joy to see. The bagseed (still nameless, any suggestions?) is slowly but surely catching up as well; it's only 3 days behind Nemi!
