nervous Noob


Hey guys, my first grow and I know people who can help me grow but in work and need to get a rented place about 2 bedrooms, problem is they want to do 40 plants with 4 - 1000w cooltube lights.

to risky??
depends where you live. if its legal or not. 4000w is alot of heat and can surely be detected by helicopters with infared.
most people wouldnt let friends know about their grow. more risk. and with 4000w its real risky.
Im from the UK and they said they can get top equipment to cool down the room but not sure if its true.

No not legal btw..

Problem is the 2 guys i know 1 is a dealer who has experience growing and the other is a grower to so i cant do it without those 2 and i met them no where near by online playing a game with a m8.
not sure if cooling them down will elimitate the heat coming right off them that glows for the infared. are they your friends or some people you met? i always see locked up abroad and the seem to purposly get someone caught with just to get away with even more. idk maybe im just paranoid about people
Their a good frien of my m8 and everything is kept silent they dont live close to my area it takes them a hour train journey.
Hey guys, my first grow and I know people who can help me grow but in work and need to get a rented place about 2 bedrooms, problem is they want to do 40 plants with 4 - 1000w cooltube lights.

to risky??

First Grow? 4000w's of Lights? And Renting the place? This my friend is the reason or meds well never be legal. Dumbasses like you and your pals who grow way to much in one place. Makes you look like drug dealers. Dude don't come on here asking for advice. Your the story on the evening news that pushes that one person who didn't know if they would vote yes to help us get our meds, Then they see the news and vote no.
First Grow? 4000w's of Lights? And Renting the place? This my friend is the reason or meds well never be legal. Dumbasses like you and your pals who grow way to much in one place. Makes you look like drug dealers. Dude don't come on here asking for advice. Your the story on the evening news that pushes that one person who didn't know if they would vote yes to help us get our meds, Then they see the news and vote no.

have a spliff shitter and chill....whats up..... ?
in this life sometimes we gotto take risk if we wanna succeed, it just sounds like you're on the wrong path man don't do it
have a spliff shitter and chill....whats up..... ?

I just doesn't sound smart. It's like a bust waiting to happen. And it's things like this that give BIG BROTHER another reason to keep us down. It's just my opinion nothing more. You don't have to like it or even care. Doesn't matter to me. and I'm rolling me a J not a spliff and i'll be enjoying by my pool and the rest of the day before I have to face a hellish day at work tomorrow. Love you!

Hey guys, my first grow and I know people who can help me grow but in work and need to get a rented place about 2 bedrooms, problem is they want to do 40 plants with 4 - 1000w cooltube lights.

to risky??

Why do they need you? What do you bring to the table? You said they both have experience growing. It's an illegal grow, so plant limits aren't the concern. Are you just providing a location? If so, I'd say that's alot of risk for you relative to them. Not a good deal. If you feel the risk is worth it, then knock yourself out.
Greed makes idiots of sane men, Sometimes. lol I wouldn't grow with partners period. Have seen way too many double deals amongst great friends when I was younger.
no partnering up with these dudes. start small.......start solo
just a feeling i get from the way you describe the relationship as "work." don't shit where ya eat.
They're just using you so they don't get in trouble when you get caught. If ones a grower and ones a seller, there's no doubt in my mind they're gonna be like "yo we set this up and gave you tips. Give us 75% of the harvest or we will bust a cap"
risky as fuck. some people will be out to just snatch your plants when your gone. 4,000 watts your nuts to think 40 plants wont get some attion from your pals. rent your own place with no one.
Fuck that shit, if i lived in a place that had awesome sun most of the year round id be harvesting seeds and planting them wherever i walk lmao they would be everywhere in the wilderness just doing there thing. what lives, lives and what dies, dies. Over time the plants would naturally live wherever i put them and survived. (Best dream ive ever had, no bullshit lmao)