Netanyahu Says it’s Anti-Semitism to Accuse Israel of War Crimes

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I will take holocaust denier any day of the week! You go ahead and justify child molestation...perv.

why are you so fixated on sucking baby penis?

you're aware it's not even widely practiced anymore, right? only the most radical of orthodox jews do this.

you're only about 200-300+ years late to the party on this one.
what you are doing is using a practice that dates back to very historic times (before the medical devices we now use existed) and is no longer widely practiced except by the most radically conservative sects, and trying to paint the entire jewish religion with it.

by that same logic, all white people would be complete scumbag, holocaust denying white supremacists since you are.

a perfunctory glance reveals that only you and your few buddies are complete pieces of human waste though.

i bet you had a great time looking those videos up though.
Go ahead and keep justifying your people's perversions. Keep it up. You can't hide from this one.
At least I know what ol' UB stands for. I can see why he tries to divert attention away from himself now. Perverts should not be tolerated!!!

seeing as how i'm not even a jew, much less an orthodox jew, i'll go ahead and ignore your fixation on sucking baby penis.

funny how a holocaust denying wwhite supremacist is trying to act like he has standards of behavior though.
Go ahead and keep justifying your people's perversions. Keep it up. You can't hide from this one.

but i can go ahead and report your posts for the anti-semitic tripe they are.

again, it's not even widely practiced by orthodox jews anymore. the only one fixated on baby penis is you, pervert.
you're another holocaust denier, i have no doubt that you'll dredge up some bizarro version of events whereas the nazis were just innocent folks defending themselves from marauding jews.

I guess you live in a bizarre world buck. Bizarre is the word you were trying to use. How many innocents have died in the name is israel's defense? I have not see you bring a single fact to the table only typing bullshit in defense zionism.
seeing as how i'm not even a jew, much less an orthodox jew, i'll go ahead and ignore your fixation on sucking baby penis.

funny how a holocaust denying wwhite supremacist is trying to act like he has standards of behavior though.
I'll bet your wife either had you convert or you are lying now. But it doesn't matter either way - you are a precious jewel :)

you're another holocaust denier, i have no doubt that you'll dredge up some bizarro version of events whereas the nazis were just innocent folks defending themselves from marauding jews.
Got any proof of a nazi condoning child molestation? Gives us some more of you justifications. Go ahead and keep telling us how accpetable it is.
I guess you live in a bizarre world buck. Bizarre is the word you were trying to use. How many innocents have died in the name is israel's defense? I have not see you bring a single fact to the table only typing bullshit in defense zionism.

are you so fucking stupid that you have never heard of bizarro world?

doesn't surprise me. none of your stupidity surprises me.
Read the underlined - from the beloved Talmud:

why are you so fixated on sucking baby penis?

you're aware it's not even widely practiced anymore, right? only the most radical of orthodox jews do this.

you're only about 200-300+ years late to the party on this one.

All the baby penis talk is nasty. Not sure why any grow man would suck on a baby's penis. But I see how you stated only radical ones to that do you condone them sucking on baby penis? I haven't seen you object to it.
i thought you said they were building settlements? so they built it and they didn't?

again, maybe if the palestinians stopped lobbing bombs at israel and using their own children as human shields, things might be different.

Slanted and limited Buck. I'm not one of these neonazis, the juvenile tactics which serve you so well are only signalling to me that you don't wish to argue, but only troll.

Keep insisting it until it sounds true, but I've been there. They are building settlements and massive walls on land which does not belong to them. You are mindlessly defending an apartheid theocracy. Like I said, about 70 Israeli civilians have been killed by such attacks, while the civilian (they have no military as such) Palestinian Arab death toll has surpassed 1.5 million since 1948.
Read the underlined - from the beloved Talmud:


Oh this is not good. I never knew that uncle buck supported this kind of thing. WOW!! Great post and thank you for keeping us aware. We need to be vigilant in keeping the children safe from pervs like uncle buck.
Got any proof of a nazi condoning child molestation? Gives us some more of you justifications. Go ahead and keep telling us how accpetable it is.

nazis fucked kids all the time, you should read up. nazis were a bunch of gays, but they only accepted certain kinds of it. you should do some research.

further, you'll have to find where i condoned metzitzah anywhere.

you're mega dumb, so i have had to explain to you that this was an ancient practice before modern medical devices and research were done, and is not practiced anymore except by radical orthodox sects that other jews even think are fucking crazy.

still you seem too fixated on baby penis sucking, even after i explained to you its origin and widespread demise.

got anything you want to tell us? are you so pure that this is what gets your rocks off?
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