I was being sarcastic Robert, Exertion is obviously a punk kid who likes talking smack through a computer. Like I said, I'm done with this thread though after this post, I was just offering up my past experiences with a seed bank, and I still would vouch 100% and say that anyone on the east or west coast of US is perfectly fine ordering from dc. I checked out similar threads on 4 or 5 different forums and this is pretty much consensus up to this day. It also seems to be common knowledge that anything going through Chicago customs (which covers many Midwest states) doesn't stand a chance of making it, and also some orders have had problems reaching Texas. But as for as the E and W coasts, I have seen nothing but orders being fulfilled in a timely manner. So if you are in the US, and not on either coast...yea you should prob use another bank if you haven't figured that out already.
I guess I should have stated some of this info in previous posts, but I thought it was pretty much common knowledge about the situation in the midwest. This really shouldn't be news to anyone, it has been going on for years...orders get picked off at a much much higher rate in the midwest states of the US. I can even refer anyone who wants to see it to some news articles of people being prosecuted in these midwest states just for ordering seeds, yes it is true. All it boils down to is that a handful of these crazy midwest states treat cannabis seeds or paraphernalia like we are trying to import pounds of meth or something. It is obvious they are going to much greater lengths to stop these shipments than other customs checkpoints in the country.
Still doesn't mean dc is "ripping people off" like some are claiming. You are ordering an illegal item, there is risk involved no matter where you order.
As far as getting seeds that aren't viable, nondescript seeds, or cracked seeds, that has never happened to me so I can't comment.