Never Seen This Before!! Please HELP!


Active Member
Hey everyone,

First time poster, long time lurker.

Grow: I'm on day 32 of flower in my third grow. I have one OG-18 and one Tangie growing from clone in 3 gallon smart pots with fox farm happy frog soil. I use fox farm trio and at the end of the 3rd week added beastie bloomz. I have one 250w hps and a 4ft t5.

Problem: The pistils on my lowest branches on my OG-18 appear to be retreating and the hairs turning a dark brown. The problem is only on the lowest bud sites but it appears to be spreading upwards. The hairs appear to have shriveled and turned brown.

PIC 1: You can see the shriveled brown hairs on the bud to the left as compared to the nice long white hairs on the right.

PIC 2: The bottom two buds have shriveled up brown hairs but the bud on the branch above it in the picture has nice white hairs.

PIC 3: Again, you can see the bud on the left is turning brown and beginning to retreat while the bud right next to it is white.

PIC 4: ^

PIC 5: A little hard to see, but the bud closest in the pic has nice white hairs while the two in background are shriveled and brown.

Please, any help would be appreciated. The rest of the plant looks sooo amazing and I have not had any problems yet. I am really looking forward to this one. Thanks in advance

Edit: I can post better pictures tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I'll defer to those with more experience of this, but it looks like some kind of bud rot to me, though I don't know what the cause is. Have you examined the affected buds closely for crawly creatures?


Active Member
Yes I've looked around the buds and couldn't find any small bugs. There was a few ants(?) in my grow room a few days ago but I don't think that has anything to do with it.

I'm really not sure. It seems to be spreading upwards but I could be wrong.


Active Member
possibly hermaphrodite, but you will know for sure if you leave it alone for another week or 2.
Thanks for the replies. You were right, kindnug. It was indeed a hermie, It didn't seem to get worse until yesterday when I found a bunch of bananas. Ended up chopping her a week early. Bud still looks super frosty tho. thanks again!